7th AAGB’sA running football tournament concludes

Dimapur, January 18 (MExN): The 7th Akuluto Area GB’s Association running football tournament which was sponsored and organized by Sports Council Akuluto from January 12 to 14 concluded successfully.  Sports Council Akuluto, President, Vikheho Achumi informed in a press release that the Champion trophy went to Incarnate Club of Lumitsami Village winning a cash prize of rupees 15,000 and merit certificate. The 1st and 2nd runners up went to Golden Age Club of Lumami and Megaton Club of Akuluto and was awarded cash prize of rupees 10,000 and rupees 5,000 with certificate respectively.  The tournament also sponsored the best disciplined team which went to Lotisa New football Team where Vipeto of Lumithsami was awarded best player, highest scorer to Hika and best goal keeper to Xukivi both from Lumami Village. The best disciplined team and individual prizes awarded rupees 2, 000 and rupees 1, 000 each.  The chief guest, Kheto Kinimi, MLA contributed a sum of Rupees 1 lakh towards the sporting event. Toniho Chopy of Shichimi Village sponsored the individual prizes including best disciplined team.