Abundant Life: 79th NBCC Annual Council begins

Morung Express News Dimapur | February 12   The 79th Annual Council of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) got underway at Nagaland Police Baptist Church Association (NPBCA) Mission Centre, Chumukedima.   The three-day council held on the theme “Abundant Life” is hosted by NPBCA and the inaugural function and worship service on Friday night witnessed around 500 delegates from various church associations under NBCC and guests from abroad.   President NBCC, Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger, in his message underlined the sharp contrast of the theme “Abundant Life” (John 10:10) with contemporary Naga society. Rev. Mar said though Nagaland prides itself as a Christian state with 90 percent of the population being Christians, yet the percentage is “shocking” taking into account the manner in which Nagas are running the affairs of the state and their own lives.  

He said Nagas own palatial buildings and expensive cars but the road condition in the state is probably one of the worst in the world. He also said though Nagas profess to follow the teachings of Christ, yet tribal clashes and internal conflicts never cease.   “Is it not shocking? How are we experiencing the Christian life? Where do we start the ‘abundant life’?” Rev. Mar asked and reminded that Nagas should be mature in terms of religion since Christianity came to Nagas 143 years back.   He said the moot question is “how are we actualizing the Christian-ness in our life.”   General Secretary NBCC, Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, led the “Roll call and adoption of programme” and Executive Secretary, NPBCA, Dr. Hukashe delivered the welcome note.   Oriental Theological Seminary choir and quartet from Lotha Baptist Church Kohima presented special numbers.