Common Meat Borne Diseases and their Zoonatic Importance



Veterinary Hospital Kohima

Diseases that are transmitted from animals to man and vice versa are called zoonotic diseases. Meat borne diseases are also zoonatic in nature as the diseases from infected animals are transmitted to man through various agents like viral, bacterial, parasitic etc. The source of infection in meat may be due to diseased animal, unhealthy method of slaughtering/ dressing, infected meat, consumption of contaminated meat, inhalation of infectious organisms or accidental inoculation of pathogen through cuts/ injury on skin.


Common Meat Borne Diseases are:-

1.    Listeriosis:- caused by Listeria monocytogene. The mode of transmission is through direct contact with infective animal discharge, aborted foetus, and contaminated soil or indirectly by consumption of infected meat. Symptoms in human beings are- headache, nausea, vomition, delirium, abortion in pregnant women.

2.    Leptospirosis- infection takes place from urine of infected animals, by inhalation and ingestion and through skin cut and abrasions. Symptoms in human beings are headache, jaundice, muscular pains, haemolytic anaemia and sometimes meningitis.

3.    Brucellosis- the disease is transmitted to human as a result of direct or in contact with infected animal. It primarily affects people who are working closely with animals and slaughter house workers. In human it produces symptoms like chills, fever, fatigue, drenching sweating body aches etc.

4.    Anthrax: It is caused by Bacillus anthracis. Transmission of the disease to human is through direct contact with diseased animal, skin wound, inhalation etc. In man disease occur in three forms cutaneous, respiratory and gastro intestinal form.Symptoms are high temperature, headache, lack of appetite, nausea, pneumonia etc.


Some Steps for Prevention and Control of Meat Borne Diseases are:-

1.    Any diseased animals  and under medication and treated animal should not be slaughtered for consumption.

2.    Meat should be properly washed and thoroughly cooked before consumption.

3.    Regular  health check-up of the farm workers.

4.    Prevent contamination of meat during slaughter from flies, dirty water, and unhygienic habit of butchers.