Human Ethics Of Relationship

The law  or  human  ethics of relationship with God being, “KNOW GOD,  BELIEVE  IN  HIM, FEAR HIM  AND  OBEY HIM,” on the  basis  of which every  human  being  in the  world is  to live  and  do anything  because  it is  the  whole  thing  humankind is to do.
We need to seek and  know who the  Creator  really  is.  We  need to  believe  in Him, we  need to have  the  fear  of Him,  we  need to  obey  Him  and we  need  to honour  and  praise  Him.
Lest  we  miss the  right  path, each and every one  of human  being  is  to search and ask  himself or  herself this  question every day.
Do I really know the  Creator ?  Do I really believe  in Him?  Do I really fear Him?  Do I   really obey Him?  Do I really honour  Him and  praise  Him?.

Our  loving  God,

Give me  wisdom  and  power so that I may live  and do  anything in  the way  of  really  knowing  you,  believing  in you,  fearing  you and  obeying  you.
In the  ensuing  General Election in India, in  exercing adult  franchise  help  each  and  every  electioneering to  do anything  in the  way of  really  knowing  you, believing  in you, fearing you and obeying  you  in  choosing  representatives so that this  general  election may be  a  stepping  stone  towards building  up the  country on the  basis of knowing the true God, believing in Him, fearing Him and  obeying  Him to  bring about uniqueness  of  peaceful life in the country.
Rev. L. Suohie  Mhasi