We spent everyday, All happy and gay, Doing crazy stuffs, I remember those laughs.  

Remember those monthly collections? Meant for those celebrations, Where we would sing and dance And set everyone on a trance.  

I remember those dance moves, And oh! Those practice rooms, Always filled with laughter, It couldn't have been better.  

Remember those dress up games? Or those cooking games? Oh! Those little pleasures, Now, it cannot be measured.

Remember those sleep overs? Where to sleep, we'd never bother, But share some creepy stories of ghosts, And make those noises of scratching by claws!   Always filled with ecstasy, We were never lazy, To do works of stupidity, I bet, that was our only duty,   We were brave together, And will always be forever. I can hear sweet melodies, As I recall those splendid memories.  

As I reflect about Those days we had; without any regrets, I look back and say, “So those were my happy childhood days”.  

Yangerjungla Pongener St. Joseph HSS Chumukedima