Outcome lies on the process

Witoubou Newmai


Someone once made a perceptive remark during a public meeting; it goes something like this: when the process is clean there will be a good outcome, or the process has to be clean if we have to have a good result, or unless the process is clean there cannot be a good outcome. In short, the outcome lies on the process.

The banality of ‘discourses’ of our today’s society reflects the aforementioned observation.

To begin the discussion, the past has to be correctly re-read into the present so that ‘discourses’ of a society do not acquire adverse forms of vitality, which will in turn invite things to a next level of pandemonium. That is why the people need to rediscover the ‘purpose’ together by forgetting the binary of the ‘authority’ and the ‘grass-root’ for a while.

One concern is about the culture of ‘trickling down.’ If it is not trickling down well, it goes without saying that there are bound to have confusions and doubts among the grass-roots. This hazy trend will create divisions or results in broadening split among the people, thereby, giving rise for the spawning of ‘leadership groups’ or power centres. As the process of division accelerates, the focus will become divergent and faint.

This trend, in turn, will lay grounds for the germination of the culture of making the ‘purpose’ convenient to the interests of the ‘cockeyed’ elements. This will be also where these ‘cockeyed’ elements come into the scene with an intention more intense than the situation requires or demands. These are certain glaring reasons for concern.

When the spirit of the ‘purpose’ of ‘cockeyed’ elements and power-centres or 'leadership groups' is in sharp contrast, the grass-roots ought to rise to the occasion to prise the ‘purpose’ away from the vested interests. In doing so, not only the veneer of hypocrisy will be ripped, but sobering participation of all concerned will be ensured. 

In this way, the passion of the people can be re-ignited, and the possibility of wrong channelization of the manifestation of impatience and confusion of the grass-roots are subdued.

Unless stultifying effects are created for the ‘cockeyed’ elements from travestying the people, room for the ‘purpose’ to get diluted or channelized will continue to lurk.

Also, since the all ready ‘cockeyed’ elements and ‘leadership groups’ seldom let it go of any opportunity in channelizing things in the absence of informed and conscious grass-roots, there are increasing demands for the role of the thinking/concerned people. This will impel the need for the people to participate loudly and defiantly.

Since there is already a distant storm out there, and hence the need for such culture to be taken on special importance.

Once the passion among the grass-roots is re-ignited, the focus on the ‘purpose’ will prevail once again in the society.