The Past, Present and Future



“The world of today, no one wants to fail and be defeated but many fail Failing to Recognised, on how to succeed and be victorious in these ages of cut-throat competition”


R. Hingba Paul

Assistant Professor, St. Josephs’ College, Jakhama

Past, present and future are the ‘history’, ‘do-story’ and ‘mystery’ of human evaluation of lives stages. The descriptive of today social, political, ethical modern philosophy states and feels past are the gone those days. Yes it is, yet it could also be a future if reflected deeply into intending meeting of the future.  Past are never less important than the present, in shaping of the future policies, from our day to days quality livings. Today’s players are to be held responsible in present policies of our ups and downs. No matter how time changes, growth advances, civilization leaps and bounces forward. Construct the past to build the future. We are the actors of what; we seek to see in the near future. Chain of life is what we can never escape no matter what. Living future in sustenance depends on the clearness of the past, in spite much we ignore the past and live the present. The future always holds us, to who we were, are and will be. We often come across the riddle or should I indicate as a moral saying; ‘is the egg older or the chicken’. Past and future are the mysterious creation of the divine where no men of the present can deny; in spite our knowledge existence or ignorance. 

Living well, positively contributing is the aim of creation for completeness. We cannot bring back the past but live by it. On the same we cannot live in all the future but contribute in future building for a batter adaptability, adjustability and positivity. It is a believing that ‘this present life we live creates history and shapes the futures of livelihood’, yes truly if seek in desire, but not forgetting past are the mother of all present and the future. Let’s not forget ‘we live today in a possession territory, but not only in the inheritance of our past forefathers but also we live in a land, borrowed or leased from our children, grandchildren and grand grandchildren’s’, so has our forefathers. 

Whether to be a socialist or a capitalist, life bounces in us back from those angles where we fail to see forward and create justice to the future. Past has given much, to present life. So is the present to give for the future. In the midst of those, that we stands apart often fail, those that we stand together seldom fail. Human we were, are and will be by creation, but stand away is not what we human beings are by creation. Hopes of rays can be built, on the same be broken down by the self and within collective individuals. However or whichever we build or break, never we will escape from the past, whether in regionalism or nationalism or internationalism. Bringing together or splitting up the togetherness in spite of the difference or uniqueness of a race or the world kinds. The past still hunts, the present not forgetting the future. How small we were and are, still we will be, on the same how open we are and will be, the future waits no far away. 

Leading is collectively, not lonely leaders or leaderless public. Should learning to educate be ourselves learned or let other educate us to let us learn, in simplicity policy of divide and rule? History has been created long not ignoring what we are today, by not leaving the future. Today, the hour need is thinking deep and well, deciding wisely and focuses on for the good of our own future not forgetting of our younger generations on and after. History has much tough us on failures and successes of mighty rulers, kingdoms and empires, ‘wealth to do or less wealth to do’, ‘privileges or less privileges’ sections and administrations. In worthiness we create and build, the futures takes us further ahead. On the other in unworthiness we decide and established, the misery of our future downfall we pour out. Lets life’s live and be prepared to decide, to live as deserved. Integration is a called regional or national or international.