Rejoinder to MIP of NSCN-IM

Thomas NNC Member

In the past the Naga people were afraid of speaking the truth, because the NSCN-IM had been killing whosoever speaks the truth. But now, not only Mr. Kaka and W. Shapwon, the Naga people have started to speak what truth is, according to the article “Reported Atrocities”. He has boldly written the truth and atrocities committed by NSCN-IM. He said; to be continued. As the people are now boldly speaking the truth, it seems the foundation of NSCN-IM is shaking according to the rejoinder of MIP of NSCN to‘The illegal formation of the NSCN.’ which appeared in Morung Express on November 16, 2016.  

But I hope, they will understand what truth is and lastly they will accept the truth.Because IMP of NSCN-IM also statedthat “Th. Muivah, the NNC General Secretary, convened a national assembly at Suphao villageand condemned the Shillong Accord”. By stating this the MIP did not deny or reject what I have written in my book (see in pages 24-25, and 40).  But the only question to be answered by MIP is, after we have unanimously condemned the Accord together with Muivah and Isak on 15th August 1976; why Muivah and Isak killed them (who signed to condemn the Accord) again in 1979?  

At the same national assembly mentioned by MIP, Muivah and Isak formed one party one Government, centralized Government on 16th August 1976, (see my book page 44). This new formation of government created division among the Naga national workers particularly in Eastern Oking (Headquarters). The NSCN-IM did not deny this new formation of centralized government either. Because they stated in their souvenir of 1997 page 12 that “A new ministry of the Federal Government was formed to safeguard all the national institutions in the Tatar Hoho Session held at Sector II Headquarter in the last part of September 1978. The NNC President A.Z. Phizo was unanimously elected to the Presidency of the Federal Government as well until he would openly go astray. The ministry functioned on full swing for three years from 1976-1978 under the name of NNC and the Federal Government.”  

But the NSCN-IM had in its own interest distorted the year and place of the meeting, stating: the meeting was held in Sector II Camp in September 1978. 

Indeed there was no meeting in September 1978 held byMuivah and Isak, because the two leaders were under house arrest in September 1978, since Martial Law was declared on August 30, 1978. The truth was, the Central Committee meeting was held on 2nd August 1978 at Sector II Headquarter,where Muivah and Isak presumptuously adopted a resolution to overthrow Phizo’s leadership despite the strong opposition by all the Naga national workers. After the resolution was adopted Lt. Col. Vesazo with almost all the Naga soldiers who supportedPhizo’s leadershipwent away from the Sector II Headquarter and that led to declare Martial Law on August 30, 1978. Because the division among the Naga national workers was already croppedup from China in 1977 asMuivah openly advocated to form socialist government and to overthrow Phizo’s leadership (see my book page 34-36). Who supported Phizo stood for Nagaism(democracy), and who supported Muivah stood for socialism.  

Regarding on Lt. Col. Vesazo and Naga soldiers who went away from the Sector II Headquarter, Mr. Rh. Raising also stated the truth when 36th agony day was observed by NSCN-IM on 27thSeptember 2016 saying: “A few Naga Army led by Lt. Col. Visacho ran away from GHQ with hundreds of arms and hundreds of thousands of ammunitions. He went even to the extent of saying, “Whoever wants to join AZ. Phizo he can come and join us, but whoever wants to join lsak and  Muivah let him join them, but arms should be submitted to us because all arms belong to Phizo”. Mr. Raising’s statement proved the fact that there were two groupsamong the Naga national workers in Eastern Oking,as such who supported Phizo’s policy and who supported Muiva’s policy. But no two camps,such as who supported Shillong Accord and opposed it, because Lt. Col. Vesazo did not say that whoever supports Shillong Accord follow me; whoever opposes it stay with Muivah and Isak. So Mr. Raising’s statement again fully supported what I have written in my book on page 45 was true, where I have written a resolution was adopted on 2nd August 1978 at Sector II Camp to overthrow Phizo’s leadership.   The statements of NSCN-IM therefore fully supported what I have written in my book are true and facts.  Moreover their actions speaks the truth that what I have written are true. Because if they did not overthrow Phizo’s leadership and form socialist government NSCN, my statement would be totally wrong and groundless.  

Lastly, the NSCN-IM signed framework agreement with the Indian Government to accept the Indian Constitution on 3rd August 2015 last year.  If the NNC under the leadership of General Secretary Th. Muivah, accepted the Constitution of India in 1975, Muivah would not have signed again another framework agreement to accept the Constitutionof Indian in 2015. This proved the fact that the NNC did not sign any accord to accept Indian Constitution in those days 1970s under leadership of A. Phizo and Th. Muivah.  

As the NSCN-IM’s statements and actions did not deny and reject what truth is, the Naga people can have a chance to hope that one day they will accept the truth though they may furiously and vociferously shout to justify the killings and formation of the NSCN at present.   r.