St. Joseph’s College Week 2017 concludes

Miss Josephite-Neha Chetri and Mr. Josephite- Thoziisie Nyuwi (middle) with other winners

  The weeklong celebration of the College Week 2017, St. Joseph’s College came to an end on November 17 with the closing ceremony at Indoor Stadium with an Intercessory by Rev. Fr. Vemedo Joseph.  

A dance from the winner of the Dance Competition, ‘Team Boyka’ was performed to the delight of the gathering before Rev. Fr. Benny Varghese spoke on the occasion.  

Earlier the College Week got started on November 13 with Vilelie Khamo, First Class Contractor & Philanthropist as chief guest. Fr. Dr. Sebastian Ousepparampil delivered the welcome address.  

Eight teams divided among the Josephites participated in the various sports, athletics and cultural events of the week. The overall championship went to team Boyka, team Lee in the second, Kungfu Panda in the third place, Baratheon, Super Saiyans, Bahubali, Hercules and Sirus Returns in the descending order.