The True Colour of a Religion

Toshi Ao, Dimapur


The recent outbreak of Coronavirus on the face of the earth has activated different religions of the world (and its believers) to do selfless charitable works  especially for the  needy human beings (and even doing good works beyond the man-made religion/denomination boundaries). “For If You Love Those Who Love You, What Reward Have You? Do Not Even The Tax Collectors Do The Same? (Matthew 5:46, The Holy Bible). Is it not the time to do good works by going even beyond one’s own religion’s boundary?


Under the  Nagaland State scenario, different  religions and its  believers are also voluntarily starting  to  help those  suffering  people  who have been  caught unaware  in  the present crisis. The total number of population in  Nagaland was 19,78,502 (2011 census), which may be divided religion-wise  as follows:(1) Hindus - 1,73,118 (8.75%); (2) Islam - 47,484 (2.47 %); (3) Christian -17,39,696 (87.93 %); (4)Sikh-1975 (0.10 %); (5) Buddhist - 6,726 (0.34 %); (6). Jain - 2,572 (0.13 %); and others - 5,539 (0.28 %). In a time like this, helping only those needy people who comes within the purview of one’s own religion/denomination will not reflect well for that particular religion/denomination. The poor believers of different religions in Nagaland and elsewhere have been contributing for the enrichment of their respective treasuries for the past many years. Now, it is time for different religions to extent assistance to its needy members; and (if possible) even to other fellow human beings who are practising another religion/denomination.