Weather based integrated agro advisory for the month of November 2019

Crop Advisories

  • Keeping weather in view, harvesting of mature rice crop should be carried out during clear days. Maintain cleanliness at the threshing floor to avoid physical impurities in seed as well as grain
  • Follow sanitation during drying, milling and after milling to avoid contamination of grains and protect from insects, rodents and birds.
  • Store house should be kept ready by cleaning up of old grain and grain debris and proper sanitation should be maintained.
  • Bags should be clean, dried and well stitched to keep the risk of loss as low as possible right from the start.
  • Care should be taken to store different varieties of paddy separately
  • Install Pheromone traps at 12nos/ha for management of cabbage diamond back moth or Spray NSKE 5 % after primordial stage with replacement of lures once in 15 days. Trap should be installed in the field in such a way that the position of the lure is always 2 to 3 feet above the crop canopy. The trapped moth should be collected and killed daily
  • Time for cultivation of rabi crops after harvesting of rice taking the advantages of residual soil moisture in rice field
  • Mulching of crops is very important during rabi season. Crop residues like rice stubbles can be use to conserve moisture for any crop grown in the
  1. General cultural practices for management of diseases;-
  • Use healthy and disease free seed/seedlings
  • Maintain field sanitation and practice clean cultivation
  • Remove and destroy weeds and volunteer plants
  • Crop rotation should be carried out

Livestock Advisories


  1. As daylength is reducing, there will be a fall in egg production. To reduce the effects of reduced day length on egg production, artificial lighting should be installed.  Only low wattage lights are needed, a single 25 to 40 watt bulb on before sunset and off at about 10 pm is sufficient. Increase the feed intake.
  2. Good management and sanitation are the best ways to avoid infectious disease in poultry.  Provide ample quantity of clean drinking water.  Avoid feeding of mouldy feed. Don’t make sudden changes in feed.
  3. During winter months the shed should be protected from cold wind by hanging curtain around the side of the wall or shed.
  4. Sick birds showing respiratory distress, drooping of head or any other illness should be promptly segregated and the entire flock be treated against the illness.



  1. Occurrence of most of the diseases can be prevented by following strict hygienic measure and by timely vaccination of pigs.
  2. A separate house should be there to keep the animals suffering from contagious diseases.
  3. Ration of the pigs should be changed at different stages of growth but the shift from one ration to another should be done gradually in order not to upset the normal feeding behaviour of the pigs. Always allow a transition period of atleast one week before making changes


  1. In winter months, fish are under stress and may show symptoms like erratic swimming behaviour, not eating, gasping at the surface, and others, including mortalities. If such symptoms are observed, immediately stop feeding, liming and manuring. Consult an expert for remedial measures
  2. Occurrence of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) disease, appearance of red lesions on the body which later turns into ulcers. It is very common during winter months. In order to prevent occurrence of EUS, following measures should be taken.
  • Maintain water pH at around 8.0 steadily throughout the winter season.
  • Avoid netting as far as possible during the winter months.
  • Scoop out the dead and moribund fishes and bury them at a distant place mixing with quick lime.
  • Do not share fish harvesting net of others as they may carry the germs.




                                                                                                             Agro Met Field Unit

                                                                                                    ICAR, Jharnapani. Medziphema