Weather-based integrated agro advisory for the month of November

Agro Met Field Unit ICAR, Jharnapani. Medziphema  

Southwest monsoon has withdrawn from the remaining parts of the country and thus from the entire country on  October 21.  

Total rainfall received in Dimapur district during October month was 64mm which was 45% less than the normal, with the highest rainfall of 30.6mm recorded on  October 14. Total number of rainy day was 3.  

Agromet Crop Advisories

  • Time for cultivation of rabi crops after harvesting of rice taking the advantages of residual soil moisture in rice field
  • Mulching of crops is very important during rabi season. Crop residues like rice stubbles can be use to conserve moisture for any crop grown in the field
  • Keeping weather in view, harvesting of mature rice crop should be carried out during clear days. Maintain cleanliness at the threshing floor to avoid physical impurities in seed as well as grain.
  • Treat the seeds with Bavistin + Thiram 2gm/liter of water and store it in dry place.
  • Purchase pure seeds of vegetables and field crops from certified source only.
  • Raise the nursery of cut flower such as carnation, lilium etc
  • Field sanitization is advised before sowing of rabi crop. Bunds, channels, uncultivated fields and field roads should be cleaned by removing weeds also use fully decomposed FYM or compost before sowing of crops and vegetable as it improves the physical and biological properties of soil and thus increases the water retention capacity as well as nutrient status of the soil
  • Harvesting of large cardamom and naga king chilli should be carried out during clear days
  • The properly dried capsules of cardamom should be allowed to cool and then packed in polythene lined jute bags. Bags may be stored on a wooden platform to avoid absorption of moisture, which may result in fungus growth damaging the stored produce.

  General cultural practices for management of diseases:

• Use healthy and disease free seed/seedlings

• Maintain field sanitation and practice clean cultivation

• Remove and destroy weeds and volunteer plants

• Crop rotation should be carried out  

Livestock Advisories Poultry

  • Chicks and brooding chicks should be provided warmth by use of incandescent bulbs and protection from cold winds by use of plastic sheets, jute sacks and plastic sacks
  • Provide vitamin complex during sudden drop of temperature
  • Foot dip should be present at all times
  • Chickens showing flu like symptoms should be treated with antibiotic Vendox, N-dox powder. For prevention it should be given for three days and for treatment give for 5 to 7 days.
  • Wet litters should be removed and protection from strong winds. Piggery
  • Get ready with provision of warmth for piglets during cold days in the upcoming winter with incandescent bulbs and wind breaks made from sack or plastic sheets.
  • Do vaccination against classical swine fever and FMD
  • Remember to give iron injection to piglets
  • Provide high energy feeds like maize + wheat bran during cold days
  • Always disinfect the animal shed regularly


  • Apply lime @ 10kg/bigha
  • As far as possible do not disturb the pond. Prune the tree branches along the pond embankment and allow enough sunlight to fall on the pond water surface
  • Provide feed daily at 3% of total fish weight
  • If the water level is very low, partially harvest some of the stocked fishes