About Us second album ‘Take a Piece’ released

Dimapur, April 12 (MExN): ‘Frontiers Records’ has released the second album of ‘About Us’ titled “Take a Piece” on all the major streaming platforms today.

About Us, Manager, K Edward Ngullie in a press release announced that the album will have ten fresh tracks and one acoustic bonus (exclusively for Japan release). ‘The band has also experimented and incorporated metal core in some of the songs. The album is comparatively harder and heavier than the first one,’ the Manager added.

The band’s new music video ‘Fortitude’ was released on February 5 as album opener MV. A follow up track titled ‘EVH’ was released on March 4. The track ‘Hope’ is released as a focus track for the full length album.

‘About Us’ is a melodic hard rock band from Nagaland, India, that aimed to transform the rock music scene in the country and beyond. They released their first single “Loaded Love” on December 21st 2020. Since then, the band has to their credit 2 full length album and 4 music videos.

‘The band will soon come up with roll out plan for the album promotional tour,’ informed the Manager.

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