Are Nagas ready to reconcile with each other and move forward to the future?

Those who said YES had this to say

•    Well, Nagas are indeed ready to reconcile with each other. But it seems that there is hardly a platform or a bridge to move the reconciliation process. The factions hardly care about the churches these days. They seem to have preconceived ideas about the church and their role which is very sad. Until they get out from these boxes of offence and rejection, nothing will work. I wonder who they are waiting for PEACE when they just have to receive it and take it. GOD BLESS THE Unruly and naughty factions.

•    Every time, anytime, every Nagas should be ready to reconcile because how long should we continue killing each other instead of killing the devil’s army.

•    If we really mean to affirm our motto: “Nagaland for Christ,” there is no other option but be reconciled. 

•    Nagas are ready to reconcile but don’t know how. Church is moving too fast without feeling the pulse of the situation. Wanting reconciliation is not enough; framework has to be worked out first. See what happened, after they launched reconciliation, NSCN-K has opposed and questioned NBCC. Church leaders and MRA people are creating problems by rushing without thinking. 

•    Nagas are ready to reconcile because they are tired of killing each other, but mediator is needed. 

•    Nagas can unite and reconcile with each other and move forward to the future, why because: 1. While the dogs bark the caravan will go on, 2. We know who is/are leading the caravan, and who is/are controlling the barking mad dogs, and 3. There is no absolute unity in any society.

Those who said NO had this to say

•    We’re messed up big time....we don’t need freedom

•    The present factional conflict and narrow tribalism does not give any positive sign.

•    Just look at the fact how different “groups’ are reacting! Nobody seems to come down to a particular point of reconciliation. Nobody wants to be Humble!!!!

•    How can we (Nagas) reconcile ourselves when there is hatred amongst us? I think Nagas should have to opt for Mizoram Type Peace process.

•    Most of the Nagas, like the older generation, are much more tribalistic than the younger generation. We must understand that we are all the same – NAGA. I think it’s ridiculous to even think about independence when we can’t even treat each other with utmost respect, but instead see brothers kill brothers. But there is hope and through Christ, we can come to accept each other, making numb the feeling towards tribalism.

•    No, because we are still so much into tribalism, we are still not willing to humble ourselves, we are not willing to be the first to forgive others and also admit where we went wrong. Unless this happens we cannot reconcile or move forward.    

•    We are still not able to understand the concept of being One and from the same family.

•    Unless our leaders stop manipulation within themselves, this reconciliation is blind. God’s politics is, in our Nagas’ context, killing each other with one’s own belief in one God. Our Nagas’ future depends in our vision of one mind one nation. Let our leaders know that “without a vision, the people perish” Prov. 29:18 

•    Humility is alien to the Nagas now. Rivals (not necessarily only the underground organizations, but also the overground organisations) do not feel they should be humbling themselves, but they only seem to be interested in pointing their own dirty fingers at their own brethren. What a shame the Nagas have come to face now...

•    Nothing could be drawn positively as long as the killings are on.

•    There is too much blood shed, too much self interest, too much denial of the truth. No hope, we need to have one purpose with one heart to move forward to the future. We must hope against all hope and odds that we can be one land, one people, one heart. Until this happens we can only try to grasp the stars with our hands closed.

•    Understand where do we belong and clean the ‘ism’ first and don’t take the name of God in vain.

•    We still have not reached the stage to really forgive and forget too.

•    Because the factional groups are not ready to go under one another’s command. Nagas will simply kill one another instead of striving for our goal if we continue like the present condition.

•    No, there are too many stake holders who do not want Nagas to be united. The stake holders will have to be identified.

•    They will not till they remove their backwardness mind from every individual.

•    A big No, as far as the present situation is concerned. The differences among our UGs and NGOs are deeply rooted. Out NGOs and State government who should be neutral and play constructive role are not doing the desirable job. All hope is not lost yet. Full sovereignty, on which basis our movement was started be the final solution. This has taught us that several political agreements/arrangements done below full sovereignty with India has caused irreparable damage to our movement.

•    Nagas are not ready to reconcile with each other

•    Reconciliation cannot be achieved by the church because the church itself is divided. 

•    No, because the NGOs seem to be one sided.

•    People blame the NGOs, but what can the NGOs do, it’s the factions that don’t want to unite.

•    Factional killings tell us clearly that Nagas are not ready to reconcile with each other. It’s time to stop the bloodshed.

Those who said MAYBE had this to say

•    The unification totally depends upon the mindset of the various organisations, NGOs, factional groups, etc of our land, if at all it has to reconcile and move forward.

•    There are too many interested parties with their own thinking. MRA thinking of reconciliation will not work; they must stop pushing their interest.

•    If by “future”, one means 200 years, yes, maybe Nagas will be ready to reconcile with each other. Needless to say, the world will most probably cease to exist by then.  

•    The leaders want supremacy power.

•    The Nagas want reconciliation, but the way the church and NGOs are going about is only dividing the Nagas even more. The church needs to examine themselves why the reconciliation is failing. They just want to rush and show they are working for unity, and not caring about whether it works or fails.

•    Because it is a much more thicker many layers will start peeling off as it proceeds. But, I sincerely hope we can reconcile and move towards the future because that is the only way. So many formulas have been formulated and tried. Did it work? Where are we now? In conclusion, I firmly believe we can have a brighter future for our future generations if we reconcile. ‘A divided house cannot stand on itself’

•    Nagas want to reconcile but are not ready to say black is black, white is white. Unless Nagas speak out what the truth is, reconciliation is not possible.

•    Reconciliation is a must, but it cannot be done by people who are not living in Nagaland.

•    Maybe, because in order to reconcile one another Nagas first must be well educated and not produce hatred in the name of tribalism.

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