
  • Development as Transformation
    Political, Social and Economic Justice and Ecological Sustainability have become the central rallying points to restore Development, Liberation, Transformation and Self-Determination at the core of peoples’ s
  • Self Definition
    The State system that feeds upon power, domination and violence has displaced humanity from its center and pushed aside other forms of political, social and economic organization. This has resulted in the break
  • The Violence of Silence
    One of the most violent forms of violence is silence. In the face of compelling unjust circumstances, silence becomes violence itself. While it is true that silence can be a powerful medium of protest, one need
  • The power of Power
    Essentially life is power and power is life and in the end it is through the power of Power that all life is realized. However, in the existing discourse of human affairs the life-giving forms of power have bee
  • Can the elephant and mouse coexist?
    For centuries, world politics has been organized around kingdoms, empires and states, but with the development of alternative political movements the understanding and perception of governance is being transfor
  • Confronting Monologue!
    One reason why Nagas in recent times find themselves in a perpetual state of arrestation is because of the manner in which ‘monologue’ has become so embedded into the ethos of daily life. Indeed the healthy
  • The Summer of 1999
    IN the summer of 1999, three young men and one woman came to the Summer Peacebuilding Institute to participate in a two-month long program on various issues concerning the question of peace. Their presence at s
  • Water
    Human beings are eternally dependent on water for survival. It’s a natural law of life and over time water has become the core natural source that will decisively define the destiny and quality of human life.
  • Human Dignity – Center of all Human Relations
    The necessity to create a viable and secure political, social, cultural and economic environment that would allow people to exercise their rights continues to be the primary essence of peoples’ movement, the
  • Truth and Legality
    The supposed ‘global village’ is filled with internal contradictions, which if not addressed constructively could have detrimental consequences to the question of human co-existence. The more aggressively t
  • Denial increases trafficking
    Human trafficking constitutes one of the leading categories of violence in the world today. It is estimated that each year “1 to 2 million people are trafficked worldwide of which 225,000 are believed to be f
  • The Violence of Silence
    One of the most violent forms of violence is silence. In the face of compelling unjust circumstances, silence becomes violence itself. While it is true that silence can be a powerful medium of protest, one need
  • Pain behind the Glamour
    Over the years, the world of wrestling has gotten more glamorous with more showmanship while making a quite definite emphasis from sports to entertainment. I first new it as World Wrestling Federation, as it wa
  • The Free World
    The World Wide Web or the ‘free world’ as I would like to call it has revolutionized information and technology to such a degree, that the world of today does not seem the same anymore. Just in the last few
  • Circle of relearning
    When Columbus found himself in the ‘Turtle Island’ he believed he had reached India and insisted, despite knowledge to the contrary, that the people he encountered were Indians. This encounter elucidated by
  • Walking the tightrope
    The headlines in recent weeks have sent shock waves through Naga society. In ways like never before, the public imagination is having to seriously contemplate upon the moral and social questions around the natu
  • Home Church
    The recent incidents of crime being reported in the State mostly involving young people is a matter of deep concern and requires public attention to the gravity of the situation if left unattended. It goes with
  • Politics and Governance
    For centuries, world politics has been organized around kingdoms, empires and states, but with the development of alternative political movements the understanding and perception of governance is being transfor
  • Motley Politics
    Two years ahead of the general elections, a group of eight regional parties recently launched a new national front as an alternative to the Congress and BJP. The announcement came after a meeting of regional pa
  • Nothing like Originality
    With competition intensifying in every area of human affairs, the desire for a more meaningful and productive human resource has also gathered momentum, which in the present day has come to be measured by origi
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