
  • An Exit Report with Acknowledgement
    A meeting of the Coordination Committee of Naga Civil Society (CCNCS) was held at Kohima on the 3rd of July 2010 to review and report-back to its constituent civil society organizations and to examine, whether
    S VARAHManipur was then a Union Territory when the parliament of India passed the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Council act 1971. Exercising Section 3 of the Act, the then governor issued an order: ‘Adaptatio
  • Godly Bribed Educated Naga Thief
    S VarahIn a matter of one hundred and three scores (approximate) changes in Naga life have been at a remarkably swift pace. Christianity and western education are accounted for such fast changing. Naga learn th
  • Myanmar elections mute ethnic voices
    Brian McCartanSource: AsiaTimesElections slated for later this year in Myanmar seem increasingly unlikely to democratically empower the country's various ethnic minority groups, which combined account for over
  • Nagas, where are we heading for?
    As fellow Nagas, it is disheartening to see the entire episode of unrest between Nagaland and Manipur. Without prejudice against any individual or organization, as concerned Nagas for the betterment of Nagaland
  • Constitutional Crisis in Manipur
    Nandita HaksarFrom the time I first visited Manipur I have been painfully aware of the divisions within the Manipur society. And I have also been aware how deeply ignorant the rest of us in India are about the
  • The need for development of NST
    Keliihol TaseM Com (NU)When the state government present deficit budget, it gives a clear picture the phase of development prevailing in the economy. Deficit budget means estimated government expenditure exceed
  • Message for our Leaders
    Forget the former things; do not dwell in the past. Isaiah 43:18After all the pains and the struggles that you had been through, it would be unwise if you let the sin of unforgiveness defile you. If you have un
  • Inclusive Talks & National Unity Govt
    ALONG LONGKUMERThe decision of the Ibobi Singh led Manipur Government to bar the entry of NSCN General Secretary Th Muivah to his native village Somdal under Ukhrul District of Manipur may turn out to be a bles
  • “The Gods must be going crazy”
    Far beyond the ‘polluted spaces’ of talks on ‘peace’ and ‘Sovereignty’ lies a greater problem called the state emergency – Our state has plunged into a precarious state of emergency beyond law and
  • Beyond Recrimination to Understanding and Solutions
    Niketu IraluHistoric Mao Gate is the epicentre of the present crisis. Multiple, inter-related pressure fault lines originating from different locations, known, unknown, and suspected, have combined and erupted.
  • A profitable education
     Sadhna Saxena Source: HimalmagWhile India’s new Right to Education Act seeks to bring free and compulsory education for all children, it seems to short-change them through an unrealistic vision of
  • Rethinking the law on sexual assault
    Kalpana Kannabiran Human rights groups combating sexual assault, women's groups and groups working on child rights have come together to reflect on the extent to which the proposed Criminal Law Amendment B
  • NREGS job card is appointment order
    NREGS JOB CARD is largely misconstrued as a hidden card meant to be used only through the implementing authority/agency, and that the person, against whose name the card is issued is not reliable enough to keep
  • India, Myanmar: Reluctant brothers in arms
    Brian McCartan Source: AsiaTimesMyanmar's up and down relationship with neighboring India is on the up again with a new commitment for coordinated counter-insurgency operations along their mutual border. W
  • Building Cultures Of Peace
    Riane EislerWe stand at a critical point in human cultural evolution. Going back to the old normal where peace is just an interval between wars is not an option; what we need is a fundamental cultural transform
  • Respect People’s Non-violent Struggles and Repeal AFSPA
     Ravi Hemadri  The Other MediaSpeakers at a panel discussion “Non-violent struggles against Militarization” urged Government to respond humanely to the non- violent struggles against the Armed For
  • The choice and implications of living under truth or falsehood
    Kaka D. IraluTruth and falsehood are not relative religious or philosophical theories. Truth and falsehood on the contrary, are absolute entities with one opposing the other. In social or legal applications, on
  • Why International Day for Preservation of Ozone layer?
    The earth’s atmosphere is conventionally divided into layers based on the average vertical variation of temperature.  Stratosphere is approximately 10 to 50 Km from the earth surface. It is characterized
  • Manipur practices ONE-DAY democracy
    WitoubouDemocracy’s edges---there are detrimental effects from the flawed side of it as much as there are good things in its flip side. The negative side of democracy’s edges cut down the people to sizes an
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