Some of those who voted Public Education had this to say:• Public awareness is very important. Majority of the Nagas will not know and they will end up making fun because they don’t know what climate change
Some of those who voted Yes had this to say:• Yes, Nagaland is genuinely a Christian state with Churches standing all over. The only thing is that the people of the state are not genuin
Some of those who voted Yes had this to say:• Given the limitations and that the Nagaland state governments (both present and past) are not doing sufficient for the welfare of education
Some of those who voted Yes had this to say:• Absolutely Yes!!! The tragedy and the irony is that the Christian message has not been translated into practical living. On the contrary, r
Some of those who voted Yes had this to say:• Nagaland is a state of Christian and the follower of Christ dislike sin. I do have full faith in it. God Bless Nagaland Judicial system.•
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• Yes, in the sense that we do not know if the money is reaching the people it should be reaching, but it is transparent enough to see where
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• In Nagaland Democracy is decided by money and muscle power and so the public often cannot decide who they should elect by their own free wi
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• If there is a gate called ‘Gateway’ to Nagaland tourism, I would point out to Hornbill festival. If there is a festival in which the Na
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• Who are they kidding? High time they come to their senses and do something about the prohibition. The Act is a total farce. If it was going
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• The media in Nagaland is the only industry in Nagaland that produces a new product every day and employs hundreds employees. In terms of th
Some of those who voted Municipality had this to say:• It depends on whether it is private and public property. The responsibility of sanitation will depend on that. While the society a
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• This is the only way to meet the demand for teachers. Though it may affect the quality of teaching, at least there will be sufficient teach
Some of those who voted yes had this to say:• It is a good way to get the people of Nagaland involve in some way. So its a good idea but not the best too. At least it will make us hook
Those who voted YES had this to say:• Youth have come out against rampant corruption that are going on in overground and underground societies. The youth know that to have a welfare soc
Those who voted Peace Process had this to say:• I strongly disagree with the way the peace process is being handled, but still peace is important. It is the wish of the Naga people to l
Those who voted Political Party had this to say:• Perhaps, congress has a better political vision. NPF doesn’t know “Action speaks louder than words”• Vot
Those who voted Integrity had this to say:• Integrity. Our leaders sorely lack this quality. We need leaders with strong will and principles who have enough guts to stand by their belie
Some of those who voted YES had this to say:• Like politician we are equally corrupt. We are no better.• We are all stakeholder and are equally to blame.
Some of those who voted YES had this to say:• First this will eliminate arrogance and high egos ingrained amongst all national workers regardless of factions, young and old. I appreciat
Some of those who voted YES had this to say:• Yes. But the politician is listening to only the wrong voices!• Yes, but hopeless. Hear on the one side and slip a