Do you agree with the view that the Indigenous Naga languages are increasingly becoming vulnerable to go extinct? Why?



Some of those who voted YES had this to say: 

•    Yes. Because there is lack of indigenous subject in schools and colleges while influences of western culture are more among younger generations.

•    Yes, faster than we can ever think of. People do not understand the importance of one's culture because they do not understand the value of identity. Fault lies upon the parents too as they do not teach the same to their children.

•    Yes Indeed our own language are on the verge of extinction, because even some if my friends don't know their own language and are feeling shy to talk also. The blame also goes to parents because they are responsible to promoting their own languages but it seems both parents and child speak in Nagamese.

•    Yes, because if a 28-year old mother (parents) talks to her children in “English” or A “Foreign” language, it would definitely have an impact on the indigenous language of Nagaland. In order to curd the Indigenous language becoming extinct, the Naga education system (NBSE) should be implement with the tribal languages as Alternative Languages and made mandatory such as Hindi subject in high schools, so that in upcoming decades, a 28-year old parent could prevent the extinction of the Indigenous Naga language.

•    Yes. most people are western culture crazy

•    Yes. Firstly, we don't have enough support system to strengthen our tribal literature boards. Promotion of recording and documenting our oral narratives, folk songs, proverbs, etc. is negligible. Scholars are not funded. The list can go on. We need speak about it as you are doing now.

•    Yes. These days in most Naga families in Nagaland, converse in Nagamese and rarely in their own mother tongues. In the work places, though official language is English, Nagamese is heard mostly and no one bothers. We don't encourage our younger generation to learn our own language or dialect and when we do, it appears as if it is mere lib or political service. I feel, even if it is not the written form, the spoken dialect should be used in families, to begin with, and English be used in schools, colleges and offices, because by being able to master English gives opportunity in the international market. However, we laugh at the mistakes when someone tries to speak English; which is bad. Today, many young ones seem to be uncomfortable speaking their mother tongues and many parents does not seem to be bothered about it. Few years from now, cultural programs may be conducted in Nagamese, if we don't take precautions now.

•    Western culture had deeply impacted not only the lifestyle but the languages, particularly, those residing in towns and cities.

•    Yes. Due to globalization, urbanisation, and status that come along with other advanced nations. People do not see any future in speaking their own dialects outside of their own localities.

•    Yes. Due to globalisation and degradation of integrity.

•    Yes. Absence of an established script and the popularity of other medium of communication like English & Nagamese amongst the different dialect-speaking Nagas.

•    Yes. Most of the younger generations are speaking either in Nagamese or English because of the mixed marriages this sad happening must be taken seriously or else we will let our original mother tongues disappear.

•    Yes English has taken over. Naga people even in their community gathering speak in English.

•    Yes. Because less important is given by both government and individual

•    Yes. Because we don't respect our own dialect, languages and go for Nagamese and it going to destroying our culture, identity etc.

•    Yes. The flock of the people has become lazy. Lazy to keep records with the diffusion of the Nagas outside for long years leaving their folk and area where they have been put by the almighty to procreate and live.

•         Yes. Coz people aren't using the languages to communicate much. They use either Nagamese, English, Assamese, or Hindi.

•         Yes. Because youngsters are more interested to learn foreign language and the society also treat better with respect if he/she speak English.

Some of those who voted NO had this to say: 

•    No. The communalism is still strong, and people in Nagaland hold their respective culture and identity quite firm. Thus it is too early to say about extinction of any of the tribal languages.

•    No. Besides Dimapur and to some extend Kohima town, in all other places the indigenous languages are commonly spoken.

•    No. it's happening all over India


Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say: 

•    It’s funny that over the years people now expect public meetings to be conducted in Nagamese. They say if you can’t speak Nagamese you are not a Naga. This is real hogwash. I prefer English to Nagamese. Let us not impose Nagamese because if you go to the village, most villagers cannot speak Nagamese. 

•    Each village needs to introduce a Morung system in their own churches where their language and stories can be passed on to children during their pre-school age.

•    I don’t think panicking is the answer to it. We must understand if and why there is a decline and find practical ways of promoting our own language. 

•    Language rarely matters… the process of development and being a developed stated will itself give u the identity...people of the state are known by their deeds and later by language. Do good! Your language will automatically get recognized.


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