Do you support the death penalty given to former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein?

Those who said YES had this to say:

•    It’s fair, quite fair. No comments
•    ‘Coz he had brutal inhumanity against his own people.
•    He deserves a death penalty.
•    He is a traitor.
•    Yes, because he killed thousands.
•    Yes, definitely. After he has massacred so many innocent lives, he deserves the worst possible penalty and not just hanging. 
•    Yes, he is a mean assassinator. I totally agree with the proposal of the judge that he was guilty and I rejoice with the citizens of Iraq.
•    War criminals like him (against Shias) and Muivah (against Kukis) should be hanged.
•    All brutal dictators need to meet this end.
•    Yes, full 100%. He does not deserve to be simply hanged, but he deserves a 3rd degree torture before being slowly hanged. Only this will justify his deeds.
•    He deserves it after what he has done. He is cold-blooded and I would be surprised if any one denies his death penalty.
•    No other sentence suits this corrupted, lunatic killer and ruined political leader than a death penalty. I am sure the whole world is restless about his execution. At the same time the penalty should pose as an example to the corrupted leaders of our country as we are threading on a thin line.
•    Yes absolutely 
•    Yes, I strongly support death penalty
•    Perhaps Saddam Hussein deserves death penalty. No one can be sure of the living, except the dead do not speak. Tyranny should be rooted out. 

Those who said NO had this to say:

•    Killing Saddam also amounts to Saddam killing people for which he was convicted the death penalty. I am totally against death sentence.
•    Why should they charge him for genocide when they came to get him for WMD’s which they didn’t get any??? Just ’cos of the US elections they are trying to get into disaster management mode to avoid getting bombed in the elections.....crazy Bush!!
•    If Saddam is hang than Bush also should be hanged because he is equally guilty.
•    There is no reason to support the death penalty against Saddam. Saddam has done grievous wrongs but death is only in Gods hand and no one else.
•    No, I do not support the death penalty. What Saddam did must be condemned and he must be punished for it, but death penalty is not the answer for it. Than what is the difference between Saddam and those who support the verdict for his death?
•    That’s inhuman...he wasn’t the best leader...but atleast he deserves a chance ...what about all the people whom he cared for? Who will stand for them?
•    Life is priceless.
•    The trial was held when the country is under brutal occupation by the Americans who waged a unilateral illegal war on a false pretext.
•    Every person should have a chance to realise
•    Why take his life when he’s just like a dog in chain now. 
•    The legal system is not vices. Added to that, the media projects only the one side, not from the view side of Saddam Hussein. 
•    No one has the right to take anybody’s life, so in my opinion I don’t think Saddam needs to die. He should rather be punished in jail and realize his mistake’s in life; maybe one day he might just transform himself as a priest, as a prisoner in American jails.
•    In fact no one has any right to take any one’s life even in Nagaland or anywhere else. God is great, merciful and great, let him judge.
•    George Bush President of America is a great threat to nations all over the world; he is like Alexander who invades as he wishes anytime any country. Therefore I do not support his judgement or the judgement of his government and people.
•    God is the greatest and He alone has the right to anyone’s life and destiny in this world.
•    Not at all. In fact if Saddam is to get the death penalty so does Bush and his generals for their crime in Iraq. They’ve killed more people in 3 years in Iraq than when Saddam was in power for 25 years. Also the political angle involved in the sentence for one man’s bid to win the Congress made it more unappealing.
•    Saddam was the President accepted by the world. No head of the state should be awarded death penalty against when he was in power.
•    I don’t support death penalty instead he should be punished and tortured in public so that he will at least realize his actions against humanity.
•    No, because I feel that – such leaders are rare, today’s world needs someone like him – we are too emotional for which we always face ugly consequences – if the world needs peace and a  bright future, we need such leaders in all the nations, someone should take risk for a change. Nagas need someone like Saddam Hussein to wash off the insensitive in our society.
•    Death penalty given to Saddam Hussein will bring a negative impact in inciting civil-racial war. It should be very clear that the judges will face divine judgment of death very soon. God is great. 
•    Saddam Hussein should not be given the death penalty. He deserves the worst punishment – life imprisonment at least, because human rights activists won’t allow torture till death. So many innocent people died just because of his stupid propaganda.
•    It’s better to give him a chance to live

Those who said MAYBE had this to say:

•    Inhuman act is just discouraged this way. Warning the next person from getting influence to what Mr. Hussein did. But how can one take away one’s life like that?

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