Those who voted NO had to say
• Equi-closeness must extend to all groups because this is the Naga reality. The policy needs to be implemented with all factions. As of now, it has failed because the DAN govt has been equiclose with ONE and ignored the REST
• No, policy of equi-closeness does not satisfy its purpose
• It’s more about the equi-closeness between the Rio-led DAN government and the NSCN (IM) in power sharing over the state governance.
Those who voted YES had to say
• Yes, provided the government is sincere and does not play a partisan role. All the UG groups must sit down and trash out their differences and end the madness before the body counts increases. We cannot miss the bus and expose the chinks in our armour. The govt of India can no longer let this problem drag on. Dialogue must have people drawn from the Indian intelligentsia too.
More comments on last week’s poll
Is it justified to parade sexual offenders naked?
• Absolutely not. Never dreamt of such barbaric act from any organisation.What does the ASU think of themselves? There are law keepers and we should not take the law in our own hands. Only uncivilized people will do that, which shows our illiteracy and backwardness of our Naga people. The ASU are only student’s body and their job is to look for the welfare of the students and not to indulge in such activities. Looking back, one Angami youth raped and mercilessly killed an innocent school teacher in cold blood. Did the ASU humiliate that particular person like they did to the man who did not raped a girl but only tried to do so? The ASU have gone too far with a sign of partiality. If the union cannot take care of the student’s welfare they should better step down from the post they are holding. If the ASU can take such actions we the public can also take action on ASU, if the public were also narrow-minded like them. Such actions should not be practiced by anybody or even a dog in this 21st century.
• It’s a total violation of human rights. When we have the law, why should we take the law into our own hands, and make ourselves animals. We’re stepping down into their level again.