Does the State government's sports initiative encourage growth and development of sportspersons in Nagaland? Give Reasons.

•    If non political and left sports professionals it will but if politician enters it, it will be only swindlers growth.

•    Slowly and gradually.

•    Government's initiative will surely encourage many talented youths to venture whole heartedly towards sports which will undoubtedly develop many excellent sportspersons in Nagaland.

•    Yes. We see a lot more sports activities these days. This is a good first step.

•    Wasted potential is all one can say of Nagaland government's sub-par attempt at promoting sports & sportspersons.

•    State government only supports the selected persons. Only the selected get better training and support. At grass root level noting is done. If I reach the top ranks on my own effort and money then they will take the credit for my success.

•    There is zero government infrastructure for the growth of youth in the field of sports.

•    No. The state government needs a comprehensive sports policy from the grassroots level. Sports must be introduced in all the government schools with proper sports field and facilities.

•    No, we do not see and policy to encourage growth and development of sportspersons. Everything is done in a very random and disorganised manner. A policy is lacking.

•    No, policy should be to encourage children from a young age of 5 to 12 years. Anything above that is too late.

•    No. The government has no sports policy. Everything is kushi kushi.

•    No. In our state, only Sepak Takraw is consistent in bringing laurels to the state. But we have not seen the government do anything to promote the sportsperson or the sports. We need to recognise sportsperson who have been bringing laurels to the state.

•    The sports person should see a carrier after his/her youth. There is a need for proper infrastructures along with a department implementing pro athlete policies.

•    It's not about organising an event or two, the state government must set up the infrastructure and provide facilities for young sportspersons.

•    Still not yet... Much.. Change is still needed

•    No. An independent body is required with the support of the government to develop sports in Nagaland. There must be grassroots initiative.

•    If government can have a task force for music and arts, why not introduce a task force for sports that will focus only on young children. But have the right people so that there is not favoritism and nepotism.

•    Death note 

•    There are so many badminton courts around Nagaland, but how come Nagaland has not produced any badminton player that has excelled. Badminton is one sport that Nagas can do well. This needs proper coaching.

•    Sports cannot fall under youth resources and sports department. There must be a specific department dedicated to sports.

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