‘Fake Naga Vigil’

The letter written by one David P Ward of the so-called Naga Vigil Human Rights Group (UK) in The Morung Express on 1 June 2007 caught my attention. The letter is rather silly and amply demonstrates the sorry nature of the writer. But, as a Naga, I am not afraid of him and his unwarranted warning.

This is not the first time that Ward had made known his antagonism to the Naga people. I remember his many criticisms against the NSCN and its leaders way back in the 1990s and later. Some years ago the Bangkok office engaged him in the media and exposed his uselessness and that silenced him for long.

I saw him once inside the UN building in Geneva. He came there but, unlike most of the NGO representatives, he did not present any paper. So, what was his motive in coming to the UN gathering and loitering around in the lobby for days? That time NSCN Chairman Swu was secretly warned by western supporters of a threat to his personal security and he could not deliver his message in person. One lady told me that a few years before that many representatives of the Southeast Himalayan region and other places felt humiliated by the way this Ward was dictating the Chairman of the K group as to whom he should meet and for how long etc. as if Khaplang was a kid of yesterday. Khaplang being a Naga, we all feel very insulted when he allowed himself to be treated that way by one ordinary Scot.

Last year Nagalim delegates were invited by the British parliamentarians and they successfully told the story of the Naga Nation inside the British Parliament. Immediately, as if he owns Great Britain, Ward (who was not even invited to the meeting) haughtily boasted that he would disallow the Nagas from entering Britain and that all the Naga international support groups in Europe would be kicked out. Since Ward’s bragging, by the grace of our living God who loves the Naga Nation, we prayed and happily established the NSG (UK) and from time to time it had played host to Naga brothers who visited England. Naga support groups in continental Europe either ignored him or said: “We checked Ward’s so-called Naga Vigil and found that it is not even registered, whereas we are officially registered.”

As to Ward’s threat “Your colours have been clearly noted and you can easily be taken to task here in the United Kingdom by the powers that be,” I wish to tell him that I openly work for the suffering people of Nagalim through the Parliamentarians for National Self Determination (PNSD) and there are many British MPs (including from Scotland) who know of our official position and presence. Also, Ward should understand that Nagas are not cowards. It is our dedication to our right to self-determination and bravery which, in spite of the overwhelming attendance of threats and killings perpetrated by the occupation forces and people like him, is keeping the national liberation movement alive and well. Also, kindly note that the PNSD knows well that the NSG (UK) is an independent body.

And, yes, kindly stop collecting donations in the name of the Nagas; we are not beggars.

In the first place, I have not uttered a word against you. Secondly, our perceptions of things are quite different from one another. Thirdly, fully knowing your antagonism towards the national salvation of the Naga people, I have no intention whatsoever to see you or engage in meaningless debate with you.

Lastly, I am a Naga and therefore please do not teach me about the Naga people. Also, don’t disturb me; I have a family to feed and there are good works to do for Nagalim citizens. If you want any information about the NSG (UK) for a good purpose, do kindly contact the PNSD office in London.


Professor Timothy Kaping
President, Naga Support Group 
United Kingdom