Is the State Government acting responsibly to check the numerous cases of corruption?

Those who said ‘No’ had this to say:
•    No, how can one black kettle correct another black kettle

•    No because so far state government cannot check corruption by bureaucrats and technocrats. Secondly, state government is yet to check the corruption of nexus between politicians and bureaucrats. Thirdly, so far action taken report done by instigating authorities and agencies are only a white washing. No transparency, accountability and credibility are hallmarks of entire affairs of state agencies. 

•    No, Government itself is corrupted. Everyone’s involved in this corrupt system. Nagaland is becoming a land of thieves, liars and criminals.

Those who said ‘Yes’ had this to say:

•    Yes, they are doing their best 1) keeping separation of judiciary in abeyance 2) appointing judicial officers (magistrate) through backdoor

•    Yes, To a certain degree unlike yesteryears. YES, things have changed and more pressures will follow if administrators tend to ignore the voice of the People, especially the upcoming young reasonables! Live and Let Live.

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