Mother’s Blessing

Daughter’s are one such one such heavenly creations who are undoubtedly the most amazing and wonderful. It’s a daughter who’s epitome of strength, beauty and compassion are all woven into one. She give’s the true meaning of the word “Family”. God created Motherhood. Motherhood adds extra dimensions to who you’s such a privilege and blessings. You know that your never alone in your responsibilities as a Mother, you trust God. God isn’t a magic genie or someone who always think about just at Christmas and Easter. He is always there through all your problems, challenges, and helps you to raise your children and your family.
Motherhood transforms you. It’s a crash course in selflessness. It can however be a slow different process. Motherhood stretches you, humbles you and forces you to grow up and become better people. You are slowly becoming more loving, caring, selfless, compassionate, patient, tender, thoughtful and kind. You have learned to focus more on someone other than yourself. Motherhood increases your talent and skills. God uses your children to mould you into a better woman He wants you to be. Your children changes you for better, its an uncovering parts of you that you may have been long forgotten. You learn to be more silly, carefree, uninhabited. Your children brings out the many sides of you that other’s don’t see. You are a far richer person now, that your a Mother.
A Mother thinks her child is genius, even if no one else does. A Mother knows all the different your’s and accept them wouldn’t much matter whether you live in a small hut or a tiny flat or a huge mansion, somehow you turn it into a Home. There’s no career so important, so precious, so urgent, so have the most important job in the world-You are a Mother. From the moment you knew your little abbey is on your way, your life was ever changing for the better. It’s a humbling responsibilities and incomparable blessings. A price tag cannot be put on the value of your baby, singing her lullabies, praying for her, stimulating her intellect, selflessly caring for her needs, and loving her the way no one else could ever do. God has picked the best children for you.........Mother’s impact the world in a positive way by raising the next generations to come because Mother’s influence never fades away. Baby love can be intoxicating, yet you never forget your first love-Your Husband. When a man spends time with a woman, it makes her feel cherished because she knows she comes first in his life. A man doesn’t just desire respect, he needs it. A woman doesn’t just desire love, she requires it. A man needs to share his interest but a woman needs conversations. A woman doesn’t just desires to have a man to talk with her and not at her. These related needs can be a wonderful bridge of communication between a Father and a Mother in their marriage. A strong marriage is what will provide you a secure, stable home for your children. You know that your marriage is a cornerstone of your family. So, you creatively bring the romance back into your marriage because investing in your marriage has to be one of your first priority. It maybe sometimes seen as Mother, as your job never ends. But God will never give you more that you can’t handle. Mother’s love is love like no other.
Mother’s add their own special touches, something special, something different, something familiar, something safe. No one could ever take your place, No one can ever take the kind of your grace, No one can ever replace doesn’t matter what sort of mother you are! My heart goes out to single parents, who have to fill the role of both the Father and the Mother. I want to say that don’t let your children train you, you may not know everything in life but you know more than they do. There will never be a better you than you. There will never be a better time to be the best you than today. Happy Mother’s Day!