Kohima, July 24 (MExN): The Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) has notified all heads of institution registered with the Board that the “midterm examination for classes VIII, IX, X will be done through online/offline mode.”
“Schools can use the question given in the question bank to prepare the test items for the mid-term examination,” the Board informed in a notification issued through the DIPR.
The Board has issued the following for information and compliance:
• For this mid-term examination, the total mark for each subject will be 50 marks.
• The minimum pass mark in all the subjects for this year mid-term examination shall be 40% i.e. 20 marks.
• For this assessment, schools shall not conduct the 50 marks questions in one go. It should be conducted in 2 or 3 batches or parts in online or offline mode. The first part may consist of some MCQs or short questions which can be answered by the students in a short time. Similarly, the rest can be conducted in this manner.
• However, schools while selecting the questions should ensure that the teacher prepares the questions to be sent (in batch wise) as per the design of the Question paper i.e. if in the design, there are 5(five) questions of MCQs, only 5 should be sent and so on. But if there are 10 short answer questions only half should be sent. This is to ensure that students learn and give their assessments on time.
• During the conduct of mid-term examination, schools need to tell the students that they should send their answers honestly whether through online or offline mode.
• Schools that have online facilities to conduct the mid-term examination are encouraged to do so.
• But schools that do not have the online facilities, they can give the typed questions, photocopy it and give out to their students.
• For schools, who do not have connectivity and need to hand over photocopy of the questions, they need to observe utmost care in handing over the papers by observing all Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) like social distancing wearing face masks, etc.
• After the students return the hard copies or if it is submitted through online mode, the school must get it checked by the concerned subject teachers.
• This year, it should be noted by all that no routine for this mid-term examination should be fixed or given out. The school is at liberty to conduct it for as many days, so long till the results of the mid-term examination reaches the Board by 31st August 2020.
• All schools must compulsorily assess their students either through online/offline mode and submit the marks. Any school not submitting the result will be treated as not eligible for final examination.
• The tests or assignments given once submitted by the students should be properly and carefully evaluated by the teachers.
• All registered schools are directed to conduct the mid-term assessment online or offline in whatever manner they can. With the lockdown, the students cannot come to the schools and therefore, the schools should connect with their students in every possible way.
• Further, all schools are requested to note that since all the students are at home, they should be instructed to do some activities in relation to Work & Art education and Physical & Health Education. For more details, refer the Life Skills Education textbook. The students have to send/submit to the school the proof of the assignment done which has to be assessed by the school.
In this pandemic time, all schools should endeavour to encourage the children to do gardening, plant flowers/trees, clean the compound, etc. Children can also be encouraged to take up household activities such as cooking/baking, cloth ironing, stitching and learn basic life skills.
• For the current year, the marks of the mid-term examination, schools will enter in the PCR the mid-term marks secured by the student out of the total marks of 50.
• The schools (including middle schools) has to conduct the examination and submit the result individually and not through centre school.
• The results of this mid-term examination must be submitted to the following mail IDs separately:
Class VIII-nbseclass8@gmail.com
Class IX- nbseclass9@gmail.com
Class X- nbseclass10@gmail.com
• For Classes XI and XII mid-term examination, details will be notified at a later date.