Akaho Swu assumes charge as acting President till ‘further notice’
Dimapur, May 24 (MExN): In another significant development concerning the Naga political groups, the Naga National Council (Parent Body) has reportedly ‘impeached’ its President Z Royim.
Consequently, the NNC (PB) vice president Akaho Swu has taken charge as the acting President till further notice.
The central cabinets comprising of Kilonsers (Cabinets),Tatars and Regional authorities of NNC PB collectively with military wing headed by C-in-C Kiutsangkiuand Lt General Kirenkiu after oath of allegiance have endorsed with absolute majority to impeach President Royim, stated a press release from NNC (PB).
The endorsement was given after “much deliberation” in meetings held May 14 and 20, it added.
As per the release from its MIP, the NNC (PB) took the decisive action in response to “serious allegations against the President for violating Yezhabo (III) Article 22, 29 and April 22, 2023 meeting resolution clause 2 and 3.
Following Royim’s impeachment, Vice President Swu will take charge as the acting president till further notice as per Article 30 Part-(III) of the Yezhabo (Constitution), it informed.
According to the release, Royim allegedly authorised “unlawful activities and sanctioned directives under the influence of an individual who conspired him to terminate cabinet officials.”
“He (Royim) left the cabinet by himself and set up his own cabinet without the consent and support of Central cabinet, the military wing or the regional authorities,” it added.
This action has contravened the structure of government and is the very reason for many splinter groups that have emerged under his presidentship over the year, it maintained.
The release also accused Royim of engaging in “venal activity” and has been an “unreliable leader with no ethics and professionalism.”
The decision to pursue his impeachment has not been taken lightly and taken as a reflection of unwavering commitment to upholding the Rule of law, principles of fairness and adherence to the law and ensuring accountability within the government structure, the release asserted.
“No individual regardless of position, is exempt from the standards set forth to safeguard the ideals of our government,” it added.
The NNC (PB) further underscored that though the officials are changed, the platform still remains the same with visions and goals committed for the greater cause of the Nagas.
The National Council at the meeting resolved that the platform will now function and operate with the formerly used nomenclature UGN/NNC (PB) (United Government of Nagaland) and not NNC (PB) Royim as he is no longer part of the government, the release said.
It also resolved not to use any individual’s in the nomenclature of the platform, it added.
Further, the NNC (PB) has urged all citizens, officials and stakeholders to continue their support and cooperation during the transition period as the “government remains dedicated to advancing the wellbeing and prosperity of our nation.”
It also cautioned individual and groups against creating “factions within the organisations using nefarious schemes in order to gain leadership control.”
“The government strictly warned against any individual collecting tax or donation under its banner shall be dealt with stern action,” it added.