Mr.Madovi David.
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry SJC(A)
Humans rely on nature to Survive and thrive. There are innumerable species living on Earth with humans being the dominant species. The reason for stating humans as the dominant species is with the ability to have reasoning ability and imagination power. With this, it becomes a responsibility of humans to conserve and preserve nature for a better future. As per 2021 report of Indian state of Forest, India’s total forest and tree cover is 24.62%. And as per reports India despite having around 18 % of world’s population has only 4 % of the world’s fresh water and also has poor index in water quality with rank 139thand air quality with rank 8th in the last 5 in Environment Performance Index in 2022 report in the world. And North east India has lost 1020 in just 2 years between 2019 and 2021, these issue need to be solved as a priority with urgent initiatives. Some factors that contribute towards environmental pollution are water infestation, deforestation, industrialization, improper disposal of wastes and plastics, poor wastes management etc.due to the increasing mass activity.
If natures fades it still produces beneficial by-products but does the electronic devicesfade too? No doubt technology is making our liveseasier and giving a better platform in connectivity or in progression of various fields, but besides these platforms we are also forgetting that nature is also vanishing. Come what may what Nature provides may not be replaced by technologies in some instants. It is said that trees aremore rare than the diamonds in the entire galaxyand only Earth possesses them and sustains life. Therefore humans morally should develop a deep sense of obligation towards the Environment, Nature definitely needs to be fended. Nature provides in all aspects; say air (atmosphere), land (lithosphere) and water bodies (hydrology) and making use of their existence has been beneficial. Less we forget that if we play with Mother Nature than we should also be ready to face its fury.
Development is necessary, but not at the cost of destruction where the animals and biotic beings pushes deeper towards the jungle thus constraining its existence,ecological balance that exists in the nature has to be maintained and corrected. When humans get sick it uses nature or its products as a treatment but we all know that these nature is also sick and are we humans giving them a fair treatment?Are we improving their existence or are we making them sicker? .The alarming pace at which nature is depleted is only leading to a verge where destruction of humans is inevitable.