About 95 per cent of the Nagas are Christian. Out of this, most of us personally know the living God and He, too, knows us. The earth is the Lord’s, and everything thereof. This means the earth is Christ’s, and every believer has the right to claim a share in it.
We have decided to dedicate our nation, our land, our culture and our resources to Christ our Lord and Saviour – hence the banner “Nagalim for Christ”. In this Nagalim, every Naga has the right to freely reside and engage in occupation/profession of choice.
All of us, I believe, are familiar with the story of Joseph. His ten brothers were jealous of him and wanted to kill him. They sold him to the Ishmaelites who took him down to Egypt and sold him as slave to Potiphar. But the Lord was with him, and in spite of hardships, false accusations and imprisonment, he rose to become the Governor of Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. Joseph was thus instrumental in preserving the lives of his father and his brothers who, during the famine, had come under his protection. His ten elder brothers who had meant to do him harm now had to come and bow down before him.
I intend to draw your attention to the “Quit Notice” recently served to a particular Naga community – the Tangkhul Naga; and this is not the first time. It is indeed disheartening to know that some Nagas have once again succumbed to the sinister designs of the enemy’s divide and rule policy.
May this never ever be repeated in the history of the Nagas. I say this to our shame.
Nambangbou Abonmei
New Eden Prayer Centre