
Imlisanen Jamir

In today's world of commerce, the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies have turned into battlegrounds of persuasive language. Products of all kinds are adorned with labels that promise health benefits, creating a cacophony of claims. From the enticing “prebiotic” sodas on the beverage shelves to the luxurious “medical-grade” serums in the beauty aisles, the use of scientific words in marketing has become an everyday sight.

Throughout history, companies have used fancy words to sell things, but this has become even more common today. Timothy Caulfield, an expert in health law and policy at the University of Alberta, even came up with a term for it: “scienceploitation.” This means that brands use words from new areas of science to make their products sound impressive, even if the science behind them is shaky.

This scienceploitation isn't just on product labels anymore. It's everywhere, from online search results to social media posts and recommendations by influencers. This has left consumers facing a flood of options, all claiming to be healthy. Ironically, a study in 2021 found that people who trust in science are more likely to share false claims that sound scientific, compared to claims that don't.

In this time of uncertain regulations, the responsibility now falls on consumers. Empowerment is key. Brands often jump on health trends and put trendy ingredients in their products, like adaptogens or activated charcoal. But even good ingredients can be used in misleading ways. For example, beauty brands might use a tiny amount of vitamin C in a moisturizer, too little to actually work.

Companies use vague words like “boosts” or “supports” to make their products sound better. These words don't really mean much and are often used on supplement labels. Even if there's a small note saying the product isn't proven to cure anything, people often focus on the positive words.

Many products claim to be “clinically tested” or “doctor recommended.” But without more information, these claims don't mean a lot. Check who did the research and how good it was. Some brands put studies on their websites to prove their product works. But these studies might not actually be about the product in question. Be careful and think about whether the study makes sense.

When you're not sure about a product, try searching for reviews or complaints online. You can also check what respected health organizations say about it. Don't be swayed by a single study. Just because one study sounds exciting doesn't mean it's true. Trust sources that have lots of good evidence.

Remember, there's no magical product that can fix everything overnight. If a product really had amazing effects, doctors and experts would be talking about it. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In a world where marketing tricks are abundant, consumers have to step up. Armed with the ability to tell the difference between what's real and what's not, people can protect their health and make smart choices when it comes to spending their money.

Comments can be sent to imlisanenjamir@gmail.com