Just as Pontius Pilate had washed his hands in front of Judeans, Imkong Imchen had washed his hand infront of his cabinet colleagues on the 5th of August 2006. But let us see how clean his hands are now for he still got a number of discordances which needed to be explained to the public. Otherwise or wrong notion precedence is foreseen in the highly griddled society of the Nagas.
To start with a certain teacher, whose seniority is in 310 in the list had superceded 167 of his seniors, some adhoc teachers are made and promoted to the cadre of 2nd class gazetted officers in the Directorate of School Education. One LDA Assistant was recently postulated as monitoring officer (class II gazetted) in the directorate of school education. Another two adhoc teachers are promoted to the posts of compiler (class II gazetted) and planning officer (class II gazetted) in the directorate of school education. The former being a niece of Imkong Imchen, the honorable superseding education minister, then who is there to check all these irregularities in this department?
C Azo, Kohima Village