The Kingdom of Heaven has come

Rev. Dr. Phuveyi Dozo
Naga United Village 

The King is born as Messiah, meaning ‘anointed, equivalent to Christos in Greek. It is a title of Jesus. He is the Savior of the world. The coming of the King is the salvation plan of God to redeem mankind since animal sacrifice, religious rituals and law-keeping cannot save mankind. The birth of the Lord Jesus is a prophetic fulfillment of the Scriptures (Isaiah 7; 9; 11). His name is the Prince of Peace, Immanuel, Messiah, Christ, Son of God, Mighty God, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, and the Creator. His birth in a humble manger in Bethlehem was witnessed by the three wise men from the East and the shepherds. His nativity, kingly and royal birth was like a mustard seed (Matt 13:31), not visible to the kings, rulers and powers of the world. Unlike the governments and kingdoms of nations, the Kingdom of God is received in human hearts (Luke 17:21). The power of Jesus Christ is not physical, political or a military strength (John 18:36). It is the power of God that creates, recreates and transforms the totality of a person (2 Corinthians 5:17). It is the power of inner change that results new creation.    

The Kingdom of God is demonstrated when the Lord Jesus drove demons, healed the sick, raised the dead and performed miracles that modern science can never ever dream of. The supernatural miracles were the evidences and proofs of the power and authority of God indicating that the Kingdom of God is imminent and present on earth (Matt 3:2; 12:28). The recipients of the Message can experience the power of the Kingdom (Matt 6:33; Mark 10:30). Eventually, the Kingdom of God will come in full manifestation and consummation on the final day of the Lord by defeating all evils and enemies (1 Cor 15:24-26). And to Him, all powers and authorities will surrender (Revelation 11:15). God reigns!  

The Church is the channel that demonstrates and expands the Kingdom of God here on earth (Matt 6:10) to offer God’s blessing to mankind (Matt 10:8; Luke 10:37). In other word, the Kingdom is God’s redemptive rule working through the Church in the world. Giving authority to the Church (16:19; 18:18), God commissioned the Church to go (Matt 28:19) and heal, bless and save the world that the world may have Peace, Reconciliation, God’s Presence, and eternal Life. 

Peace with God and Men
 Man can have peace only when he has peace with God. It is peace when your inner heart is free from spiritual turbulence, psychological fragmentation, mental torture, and disorder of mind. The Lord Jesus came to give you peace and restoration. Having peace with God, you will have peace with people – family, neighbors, people in workplaces, and co-professionals. Absence of inner peace is the famine and sickness of humanity today. The guards cannot guard the heart and mind of a king or a rich man (Psalms 127:1). The Scriptures proved that a peaceful and harmonized community in Christ is possible where all harming and killing capabilities were defused, disarmed and neutralized under the King of Peace (Isaiah 11:6-11). Peace comes from the Lord Jesus (John 14:27). The need in your life is inner and lasting Peace.      

Reconciliation with God and Men
The Prince of Peace is born to reconcile broken relationship of God and man (Rom 5:10). No amount of human sacrifice can heal man’s inner fractured condition that affects his or her spiritual health and socio-psychical condition. Every broken relationship is a spiritual issue but is reconcilable in Christ if you are willing to do so. The need is removal of personal hurt, political hatred, business jealousy, factional rivalry, social alienation, and enmity in human race. A peaceful community will prevail where there is reconciliation with each other. Jesus is the balm to heal and make you whole. Reconciliation and peace are interdependent.    

Presence of God
The world is a place of fear, misery and emptiness without the presence of its Creator. He came to the world  as Immanuel, means, ‘God is with us’ everywhere (Jeremiah 23:23,24), span of all ages, any season, all weather, and even in this generation of science-technology. He is the Omniscient and Omnipresent. He sees you and walks with you anywhere under the blue sky (Psalms 119:105). There is no single time and no single space He is absent. The absence of God will be the presence of Demon or Satan. The need is the dispelling and guiding Light of Jesus (John 8:12) in life. Your need is the Light. 
Eternal Life  
There is life beyond how mortally you conduct your life on earth. The Messiah has come to overcome death and replace it with eternal victory (1 Corinthians 15:54-57). For all believers, ceasing of physical existence is the beginning of glorious eternity. He is born to give us Salvation, unmerited gift. Based on repentance and acceptance, God can forgive your sins and save you.  

Qualification to enter the Kingdom of God requires 100% faith in God (Matthew  22:37; Mark 12:30). In other word, people who have complete allegiance in Jesus are saved (Mark 10:14; John 5:24). It is your personal faith, and nothing can substitute it. And those who believe are holy amid wickedness of the world (1 Corinthians 6:9). He came that you can have life (John 10:10). 

You might have come through celebration of many Christmases with delicious cakes, colorful lights, decorations, gifts, new things, special items and plenty and yet without receiving the offer of God. May this celebration of the Birth Day of BIG JESUS be a meaningful event with peace of God, reconciliation, holy presence of God, and assurance of eternal security!          

“They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountains, 

for the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the 

 waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).