The plight of Adhoc / contract teachers of Nagaland

With due respect and honour, we the undersigned on behalf of 183 Graduate Teachers whose service have been regularized Vide Order No. EDN/MISC – 2/2004-05, Dated Kohima the 30th Nov. ’06, would like to state the following facts and grievances through your esteemed daily for the kind perusal and necessary action from the concerned authority.

After a long wait (more than 10 to 15 years in continuous service) the service of 183 G/T have been regularized with effect from the date of joining Vide Order No. ED/MISC -2/2004-05, Dated 30th Nov. ’06, to give a great relief to us. We never thought that Democlus Sword will fall on our head very soon. But the same happened when Government. issued another regularization order, cancelling the previous order vide order no. ED/MISC -2/2004-05 Dated Kohima the 14th May 2007. As per the latest order the service has been regularized with effect from 26th Oct.2006, only thereby depriving the rightful service seniority and financial benefit.

In this regard we would like to bring out the following facts to prove the injustice done to us.

The service of the group 22 G/Teachers completed 5 years and above had been regularized w.e.f 14/05/01 Vide Order No. ED/CON/HC -14/2000, Dated 30th Oct. ’02 (Annexure B). There in Sl.No.8 Mrs. Somy Koshy, Sl.No.9 Mr. M.Hussian, Sl.No.11. Mr. Tomy John, Sl.No.14. Mr. Santimol Jossy, all were appointed as G/T through District Selection Board from different districts like, Kohima, Tuensang etc along with many others from all districts. But the said group of 22 approached the court of law for regularization of their service and as per directive from the court, their service had been regularized. Those who, similarly situated, did not approach the court were denied the same right. It is against the law of the country and denial of equal right to the same nature of work. In this regard, we would like to observe the Supreme Court verdict in Dr.Santhosh Kumari –Vs – Union of India and others 1995 I sec 269. in Dr. Santhosh Kumari, the Supreme Court held the allotment of seat (in admission) should go according to merit. It does not depend upon who come to the court and who does not. According to the Hon’ble Supreme Court the matter is one of principle and should not depend upon who comes to the court first. Change of government policy cannot devise of their right to be treated similarly with other adhoc / contract teachers appointed and working together.

Again, from the list of 22 teachers whose service were regularized w.e.f. 14/05/01,
Sl.No.17 Soman Beagat (26/02/93)
Sl No.18 K.Sharma (13/09/93)
Sl.No.19 K.K.Rout (18/02/94)
Sl.No. 20 Nunal Hoda (18/02/94)
Sl.No. 21 Sunil Kumar (24/02/95)

Sl.No. 22 Rajesh Kumar (24/10/94), all have been enjoying financial benefits and service seniority for example, Mr. Sunil Kumar, Sl.No. 21, who was appointed on 24/05/01 by court directive has earned service seniority of 6(six) years where all those in the group of 183, appointed prior to him and regularized w.e.f. -26th October 2006, have not even one year seniority in the service. Moreover, Mr. Sunil Kumar, like all others in the group of 22 has been enjoying the ROP 1998 and had earned more than Rs. 1,25,000/- (Rupees One Lakh and Twenty Five Thousand) than his seniors in actual service rightfully.

There are some instances of appointments and regularization, where students of some teachers become senior to them. For example, a teacher who was appointed in 1992 taught a particular student in Class 10 in the same year. He passed matric in 1993, completed P.U. in 1995 and became a graduate in 1998. Before the result was out, he was appointed as UGT and his service got regularized. Consequently upon the declaration of degree result, his post was converted into graduate post in 1998 and has earned service seniority of 9 years as G/T and has been enjoying ROP ’98. Whereas his unfortunate teachers not yet completed seniority of one year. The day is not far away that the formers will become headmaster and give instructions to his own teacher.    

Graduate teachers who have been rendering same nature of service given different scales of pay. A graduate teacher whose service has been regularized in enjoying the scale of pay Rs. 5000 -150 - 8000 (ROP 98) whereas adhoc / contract G/T are enjoying scale of pay of Rs. 1550 - 45 - 1730 - 50 - 2080, per month. Thereby denying a financial benefit of nearly Rs. 2000/- per month. It is worth mentioning that some of the teachers in education department as well as other employees in different departments also have been appointed with a scale of pay provided by ROP 1998.

5th September on the teachers’ day, students shout the slogan to the best of their vocal cord, ‘Teachers, the backbone of the society’, ‘Teachers the nation builders’, etc. how can we the teachers discharge our duty at hundred percent when we are put in such an insecure condition in the service even up to 15 years. When we are at our full potential and enthusiasm to do something better for the students community and the society, instead of providing adequate service benefit and training, the changing policies of the government put us in stress and unnecessarily forces us to take other course of action such as agitation or to approach the court of law for our right. It is a matter of fact that nearly a thousand graduate teachers, backbone of nation, in the middle schools and high schools in our state are at the receiving end of such government policies.

So, it is our earnest request to the concerned authority to provide justice to us and restore the previous regularization Order Vide No. ED/MISC - 2/2004 - 05, Dated Kohima the 30th Nov. ’06, and humbly appeal the parents and well wishers of teachers community to support us in our struggle for justice.

A.T. Anar
S. Zhimomi 
G/Teachers Kiphire District

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