Ungma: Mongsanger descendants convene after 360 years

Descendants of Mongsanger of Jamir clan formally gathered in a convention at the Tourist Centre, Ungma, Mokokchung.

Descendants of Mongsanger of Jamir clan formally gathered in a convention at the Tourist Centre, Ungma, Mokokchung.

Morung Express 
Mokokchung | February 23

The descendants of Mongsanger of Jamir clan belonging to the Ao Naga community formally gathered in a convention at the Tourist Centre, Ungma, Mokokchung on February 23. Mongsanger’s offsprings from six villages, Ungma, Changtongya, Anaki, Kelingmen, Wameken and Chaubayimkim gathered for the convention. This was the first convention of the Mongsanger decendants of the Jamir clan which has happened after more than 360 years ever since the descendants left Ungma village. 

The programme was graced by Dr Watizulu Süzümeren Jamir, President, Development Authority of Nagaland. The guest of honour in his speech pointed out that a land that was once known as a pioneer is now a follower and said that there needs a deep retrospection. 

He stated certain factors that are responsible for the present state of affairs. Firstly, he said that churches’ outreach missions are important but what is more important is to understand that mission begins at home and we need to work upon this. Secondly, he stated the reason that curbs leadership in politics is the way people try to pull each other down. He therefore urged the people to support each other and create brotherhood that will make Aos forerunners in the field of politics again. 

Dr Watizulu further he stated that Sports is now the most expensive activity and that parents and teachers should understand it since it has become a way of generating one's income. 

He concluded by saying that such conventions should be used as a time to plant seeds that will nurture future political leaders, educationist, sportsman. He encouraged the fellow brothers to initiate ideas and programmes through conventions and meetings like this, so that the future of the Mongsanger descendants will be bright and fruitful.

It is worth mentioning that Dr Sc Jamir, former Chief Minister of Nagaland and Governor of Odisha and Goa, is also an offspring of the Mongsanger Descendants. 

The programme was chaired by Rarentemjen Jamir, Tatar, Ungma and Tongpangkumzuk Jamir, President, Tamajang Changtongya. Genesis of Mongsanger Descendants was shared by Imtilepzuk Jamir, Changtongya and an exhortation was pronounced by TN Meren Jamir IFS, Retired DFO.

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