
Some of those who voted YES had this to say:
• I believe Hornbill International Rock Contest is upgradation of National Hornbill Rock Contest with highest prize money in India! Progression of any event is an achievement, already attained a land mark, but fortunately or unfortunately the world progresses so rapidly that sometimes options becomes confusion! Nevertheless, if the responsible agency has decided to bring a change in the show we only have to wait and watch, as mentioned in earlier comments shouldn't be kinda promotion of some group rather should promote indigenous folk fusion which gives a real taste of Naga music apart from other genres. Let the visitors/tourist/every music lover say "Naga's music taste is good & unique.” Kuknalim.
• Why should we so much concern about Hornbill Festival when there's lot of unemployment, lack of development and so much of corruption?
• Yes. I think including young Naga talents and exposing and promoting them will be more beneficial and better because doing such will not welcome only few talented nagas and make a better future for them too so... I agree in scrapping international to local and talented nagas from Nagaland as well other Naga tribes from other states and spending the money on them whole be better.
• Yes. It looks like the Hornbill Festival will become a Hornbill Music Festival.
• Yes. There is more to music than just Rock music.
Some of those who voted NO had this to say:
• No. I do not think this Hornbill Music Festival is going to attract much audience, public, visitors, tourist, etc. The concept of separating the Hornbill Festival and Hornbill International Rock Contest is a mess. Many people come to visit to have the opportunity of experiencing and exploring both Hornbill cultural, traditional show and music. Separating Hornbill Festival and Rock contest is a bad idea because they both are one, like bread and butter, bat and ball, match and cigarette, rice and curry. Note: Contest is held in almost every part of the country; be it, rock, pop, hip hop, metal, etc. So why would someone visit Hornbill Rock Contest which is taking place in a very corner of the country, which no one has ever heard the name of the state? There is a more advanced, cool, beautiful, upgraded contest held in some part of the country. People will go there if it is only for a contest. Experiencing traditional, cultural, talent, folk stories, society and rock, contest is the best.
• No. Without originality, what is going to make this different? It will be the same.
• No. Stop All These Festivals. Convert the place into educational hub/food processing unit/corporate hub e.g. BPO for youth employment etc. These festivals convert our land into "land of prostitute" instead of "another Israel" in the world.
• No. This question is confusion. But I vote no because the over patronizing of the Western Music element of Hornbill Festival is really taking away the credibility of the Hornbill Festival.
• No. Instead of wasting money on HIRC... Use this money to make good roads...
Some of those who voted OTHERS had this to say:
• As per my opinion...The cultural festival and the Rock Music (I should say western music) should be separated because Hornbill Festival should be fully on show casting varieties of Naga Culture and traditions... but so sad to see in today's context our once rich culture is minimising and following mostly the western styles...in way of singing, dressing, talking and so on.
• Depends on what the Hornbill Music Festival aims to achieve. People all around the world especially the youngest (from the mainland) come to Nagaland to witness the Rock Contest so it might effects the tourist attractions. Are the Organizers planning to celebrate the various musical forms from all around the world or they are going to focus on some particular people and area only. I really wish they show case the cultural and traditional Folk songs of Nagaland but in its raw form and not fusion or improvised modern form. It's really annoying seeing people messing up the tunes and beats every year in the opening ceremony. If it's a Music Festival it has to be a full-fledged music festival and not promotion of some famous groups like it happens always in Nagaland.
• Why not organize a folk fusion international contest instead.
• I think there is more important things to discuss than hornbill rock contest, like how to tackle 21 percent unemployment rate and job creation...and our GDP
• I feel the hardworking and zeal to Rock contest has been downgraded for local artist, who prepares hard to compete with outsiders. There will no more be a neck to neck competition. Scrapping of rock contest was the biggest blunder, it could have been retained and for representing band from every district, it was better if it was held at the time of Mini Hornbill Festival.
• It’s good to see that music is being promoted in our state. But it should be in proportion. Today our state is poverty stricken and so much infrastructural activities are required. The government should set up priority. If government policy is to promote music, then let Naga indigenous music be developed and promoted.
• This is a very wrong question from the MEx. Actually Hornbill is a festival of Naga indigenous but sadly the Govt and organisers are more concerned and focused only on international paraphernalia instead of promoting and showcasing our rich culture n traditional practices to international tourist. Sad to see that our own Naga artists and cultural troupes are always sidelined and underpaid during the Hornbill Festivals. Their hard work, time, resources, efforts, dedications etc, all just goes wasted because they hardly grab the attention of international tourists as a result of too many extra paraphernalia activities involved. Good to know that international Rock contest which is nothing to do with Naga indigenous Culture and Traditions is being scrapped. The Government of Nagaland and the organisers should focus more on Nagas unique Culture & Traditions under Cultural Tourism like in other states.
• Up to youth resource and music task force initiatives.
• I am sorry to say but it seems to me that the real concept of the Hornbill Festival is going to get lost. The over promotion of the music industry is going to turn the Hornbill Festival into the Hornbill Music Festival.