Zubza 33 KV sub transmission line to be energized

KOHIMA, MARCH 1 (MExN): Executive Engineer, Kohima Department of Power has informed that the newly constructed 33 KV sub transmission line for power evacuation system from 2.4 MW Duilumroi MHEP to 33 KV AP1 Kohima feeder near 33 /11 KV, 2X5 MVA sub-station, Zubza town shall be kept energized from March 5 onwards at 33 kilo volt. 

In this connection, the department has urged the general public to exercise caution and refrain from fiddling with the electrical poles and associated infrastructure for their own safety. Any interference poses series risks and may lead to unfortunate accidents. The department may not be held liable for any such incidents resulting from non-compliance with this notice, the press note cautioned.

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