Chongtie Longshe Shiu

I can feel a strong breeze over again
Finally I could flee to my dreamy land.
A beat of my heartstring

Send me your tiny fairy folks,
And fly me under the host of delicate lily blossoms.
Wandering for long striving till I get carry away,
Chasing over jauntier to face the magic closer.

I sense life jolly as long as I have my fairy,
Stormy wave will hush and mellow,
There I shall embrace my fairy cheerfully.
A broken heart will mend two shall find a pair.

I’ll dance till the sun comes bright,
In a tone of rhymes to keep my fantasy alive.
I wonder long now I only believe in real,
I dream of my fairy land even when I’m wide awake.

Like a tale in the story ….
I could be the best version of me!