Niekhoto Curhah addressing the CCHE cultural day cum narrative competition held in Kohima on November 10.

Kohima, November 10 (MExN): Capital College of Higher Education (CCHE), Kohima observed cultural day cum narrative competition at Sahitya Sabha Hall, PR Hill, Kohima on November 10.
A press release from the media cell of CCHE stated that Niekhoto Curhah, Asst Professor, Department of History was the keynote speaker. Addressing the audience, Curhah reminded the students of our rich culture. Stressing on the unique and distinct culture of the Nagas, he commented, “The Nagas are very honest and truthful people. That is why Verrier Elwin said the Nagas do not use lock.”
Curhah also lamented on the gradual decline of our good culture. “Due to evolve of our culture and influenced of western degenerate culture, many of us are pursuing a culture of pleasure and normalizing it,” he added.
The speaker also narrated a short story on how Khamo of Mima village and Sakhamo of Viswema village became friends and founded Phusachodu village of Phek district.
Earlier, Dr Zokho Venuh, Principal, CCHE, delivered introductory note and the 5th semester students performed a folk dance.
The programme was chaired by Leang of 5th semester and Bendangtoshi was awarded as the winner of the narrative competition. It concluded with prayer from Asholu, EU Secretary.