Do elders take young people’s opinions into consideration in Naga society?

Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say:

• Not at all, old people think they are the beginning and the end, they leave no room whatsoever to even respect the presence of young people in their midst. They think that young people are only good to do what the older people decide.

• Elders still traditionally consider the youth as hot blooded and not cool headed, unable to make mature decision. This might be either due to their fear of new ideas or discomfort of sharing the traditionally exclusive space which will be eroded in the case of taking a step back which means sharing the once monolithic decision making powers.

• They are victimized with tall promises and fulfill nothing. Elders never listen to the far sighted opinion of their young ones, saying you are yet to know the world around you. Such humiliating words discourage the dreams of the upcoming youths. Young people can take the situation under control but they are not made to put into use thereby leave them practically weak.

• Unfortunately, most of the Naga elders are too egoistic to hear and take into consideration what youngsters have to say. It is time for them to realize that young people have a lot to offer to our society.

• Right or wrong, it’s usually the elders’ view that prevails. This suppresses the young especially when theirs is right.

Those who voted ‘yes’ had to say:

• Very much yes! Because in many ways young people have more common sense than the elders. Elders might have better experience, but young people have better knowledge.

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