Indo-Naga political issue: Naga Hoho concerned by lack of progress since formal talks conclusion

Naga Hogo logo. (Morung File Photo)
DIMAPUR, JANUARY 16 (MExN): The Naga Hoho today expressed concern that despite the October 31, 2019 announcement that the formal talk between the Government of India and the Naga political groups have concluded, there is yet to be any progress made.
A press release from the Naga Hoho president, HK Zhimomi and General Secretary, K Elu Ndang said that the Naga people have entered into another year yet, without any sign of resolving the long pending political impasse.
“More than two decades of Peace parleys is pretty long enough to be concluded. The Naga people are anxious to see the new dawn in the Naga areas,” it stated.
It said that the “inconclusive talks are a reflection of the insincerity and lack of political will on the part of the Government of India while committed to resolve the issue within a short period of time.”
“There is no obstacles to sign the agreement once the Government of India decides not to retrack and stick to their commitment and agreed principles ever since the beginning of Indo-Naga political negotiations,” it added.
The Naga Hoho urged that the Government of India “must not backtrack or misinterpret” the Framework Agreement which “must be the basis of solution or agreement.”
“All intricacies must be resolved on the basis of Framework Agreement. It must be ensured that signing of the Agreement should be inclusive of all the Naga political groups so as to fulfill the desire of the people at large,” it stressed.
The Naga Hoho meanwhile termed it unfortunate that “Nagas are not united as some groups are demanding for separate solution for present state of Nagaland, whereas, some are trying to settle the issue for entire Nagas.”
“On the other hand, Government of India’s desire is to divide the Nagas and to resolve the issue by modifying the 16 Points Agreement within the ambit of the Indian Constitution,” it lamented.
The Naga Hoho said that while trying to resolve the common aspiration, all political groups must stand united without different interests. It appealed to all Naga political groups to unite and resolve the Naga political issue without any reservation.