Insight to life

Wabungtemzen Tzudir
6th Semester, Modern College

This life we live is so chaotic and at the same time harmonic. We are told to dream of this fairy tale land in our imagination and that, one day we’ll get to live it. We are fed daily by the ways of life, our character moulds itself by whatever we witness and decide to follow, consciously or subconsciously. 

Our nature is to adapt like all living beings around us, trying to survive for a better day. All that we become is through our own mind that decides to either see the beauty in things or to see its flaws. We innocently follow the ones that lead and protect us and their nature in us is always intact and forever imprinted in our minds.

As we try to understand the worlds around us, we find pleasure in doing certain things. Some they go and turn that into a talent while others keep looking for something else entirely, eventually finding it. Through the course of time we begin to cope with our surrounding and we learn to witness others like us with whom we share knowledge, time, emotions and moments in our lives we can never relive again. 

Through them we begin to see the world as it is a blend of sweet, sour and bitter moments. In a certain part of our life we realize that we are being taught to become something and that everything has a deeper meaning then we foresee. We are put into a routine of do’s and don’ts while all around us is a competition to reach the top. Numbers, letters and colours begins to differentiate us from each other signifying what level we are in. Some they fail to be at the speed of others and some just keep on moving without stopping. We begin to understand the working of society around us and every little aspect of molecule and matter. 

Then when we understand all that was around us, there comes a time to dive into understanding ourselves a little more, giving in to passion, desires, emotions , interests , goals, etc. This is often the time when most begin to get lost. What started out as being fun and games slowly turns in something more serious holding a far greater purpose. Overwhelmed by the thing they begin to realise, they knowingly or unknowingly divert from the path they initially set out on following into corruptive behaviour, addiction and depressions while trying to make good of all the bad and to hide from the reality that will eventually consume them. 

Minds can snap at times like this and it’s always important to know that what was once is always what is for it is intact. To get them back from the hole they have fallen into lies mostly upon the one who begin digging the hole in the first place. Turn them not into the individual they fear the have become and neither remind them of what they are not. Only show that you believe in them and let them not feel alone though they may wish for solitude. Even though they may seem to be out of hope, don’t let them lose faith. Because nothing is truly lost until we decide to stop looking. For the world is a blend of good and bad, and it is upon us to decide where we choose to dwell in.