LFI College holds Literary Day 

Dimapur, December 13 (MExN): Livingstone Foundation International (LFI) College observed its second Literary Day on December 8 with Bendang Walling, Artistic Director and Founder, Hill Theatre Nagaland as the chief guest. The event was held as a part of its 4-day series of College Week 2020. 

Speaking on the occasion, Bendang Walling, Artistic Director and Founder, Hill Theatre Nagaland stressed on spoke on the importance of exhibiting and preserving one’s identity by reconciling with bygone indigenous folklore through means of media and art forms.

These are instrumental in upholding authenticity in the domain for future generations to come, he noted. 

The event also witnessed variety of performances and competition. 

The college anthem competition was won by Yellow House, while one of its members, Dekhingpi T Sangtam topped the spoken word competition, who also emrged as the winner of the extempore speech competition. 

The Yellow House also won the solo singing competition via Amongla Lemtur as well as for duet with Hikavi and Sorikumla as participants. 

Nuike Y Shohe of Blue House, meanwhile, won the dance competition.

A Mini-theatre was orchestrated by the Red House, informed a press release from LFI.