NSCN/GPRN responds on various issues

It is always interesting to meet high sounding statement on Naga issue from a national leader who has the perfect credentials for the job. But when certain things are uttered from a person with no credibility as a bona fide national worker it turned out to be nothing more than a mockery of high order. And undoubtedly, Kughalu Mulatuno has come to fit into this place again to create sensation out of nothing, of course to put the IB and RAW in good humour.

It is an established fact that K-group is a brain child of IB. And naturally it must do its bidding. Otherwise, it will only endanger the very survival of this particular species. Being the bet organization of Assam Rifles it light up the spirit of AR when ever it comes out with such bombastic statement that somehow stands contrary to actual standing of the group.

This is the very group that fabricated the stories of Isak Swu and Th. Muivah surrendering to Indian government to find pretext to kill over 200 faithful national workers mercilessly. Lies and deceitfulness they practiced to fool and confused the people. But this is not always possible at all times. Treacherous crimes they committed without the least botheration to their conscience. There is no doubt that this very group who love to shout ‘sovereignty’ as their goal has been found working in tandem with the Naga people’s adversaries everywhere and at all times. People who make bed-fellows with the force who suppressed people’s aspiration is never people’s organization.

With such demonizing image as anti-Naga organization who are these people, particularly Mulatuno to speak on ‘sovereignty’? But anti-Naga mentality is so deeply implanted in their hearts that they go on creating big big noise on Naga sovereignty without the least inhibition.

When this group signed ceasefire with the government of India it was given a clear indication that the law of the land, ie. the constitution of India will be accepted. It is one thing to impress the government of India with their false show of face and it is another thing to fool the Naga people. But to deceive the people with ‘empty slogan’ can never be related to fighting the people’s issue.

As testified by the unfolding events ever since the inception of NSCN, there is no doubt that NSCN is the only legitimate organization that represents the Naga people and its cause. Legitimate as it is, NSCN has even explored the four continents of the world for Naga sovereignty. And today there many organization across the world that are willing to vouch for Naga’s political rights.

The progress of NSCN in pushing forward its political issue met success even inside the Indian Parliament also. Because it awakened the Parliament to declared NSCN as a lawful organization and the others as terrorist organizations. As far as the Naga political settlement is concerned it has been mentioned in many occasions by Collective Leadership that NSCN will always come back to the people for final consultation. And it remained committed to follow this to be in line with the people’s desire to be consulted for final settlement.

Our beloved Nagas who have through gone all sufferings and hardships should not be confused with the false propaganda emanating from K-group. Believing in the goodness of the Naga issue, NSCN is still open to reconciliation with members living in different camps, notwithstanding the differences that exists.

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