On the verge of the unknown of 2006, The Nagas stand

There lies before us (Nagas) the New Year of 2006 and by the grace of God; we have set our feet on it to go forth to possess it. We have not passed this way before. As the Israelites stood looking across into the land of promise- Canaan, they were asked to simply follow the Ark of the Covenant as the priests and the Levites were carrying it- Joshua 3:3. As they were led by the Ark of the Covenant, they were just to follow, even though they did not pass the way before. In the same way, we too do not know the sequence and combination of events which we may face and are totally unknown but if we follow the Divine Evidence, He promises us in Ps. 32:8 “I will guide thee with mine eyes”. He will lead us.

Who can tell what we shall face as we go to possess the New Year? New experiences, changes, new needs shall surely arise. God’s negative guidance will also arise telling us, ‘not this way’, we do not know what lies ahead of us. But we have a promise from God, our father, which gives us cheering, comforting and gladdening message.

In Deu 11:12 we have this promise: “A land which the lord thy God careth for; the eyes of the lord thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.”

“….In the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert” Isa 35:6. Our part is only to trust God. He will take our hand and lead us on our way- each day of the year.

God has mercifully placed before us 365 days, each day 24 hours, and over a year with 8,760 hours full of golden opportunities to live life meaningfully. Nagas have neglected and wasted years and hours of past life.

Never again should they kill time for nothing. Faced with the stark reality of a year, 365 days, 24 hours each day to live, God willing, we must live and let live, by power of love and reconciliation to make 2006, a year of peace and reconciliation and settlement of all outstanding problems that beset us as a people.

Although, because we are human, doubts, misgivings and suspicions may assail on us, but if we float along the will of God, and adhere to the democratic and peaceful means, we can surely have a happier future blessed with peace, progress and prosperity.

R. C. Chiten Jamir