Predicament of Naga Hoho: a social perspective

By Gwangphun Gangmei
A social Research and Peace Activist

The Naga society in time past was not an organized society.  It was only with the rising of NNC, the Nagas were awakened to the call for unity of Nagas as a distinct tribal people with their identity among other tribal groups of people. The consciousness of Naga Nationality and struggle for asserting Naganess of the people living in scattered places in the region called Naga Hills by the Colonial invaders and rulers was the factor for Naga integration. Many research writers and authors have defined the authenticity of Naga as a people that has strengthened the bond of Nagas despites their habitation now placed in different parts of the North Eastern states of India. 

Attempts were made to further unite the Nagas by the Nagas in the form of Civil Society Organizations. Naga Hoho came into being as a result of the attempt in 1994. Its basic objectives was to form an apex Naga body over all the Naga tribes irrespective of states or locations the Nagas have been placed. All the Nagas subscribed to the Naga Hoho as the supreme body of the Nagas. The Naga National Council (NNC) and Naga Hoho were the factors for uniting the Nagas. The turn of circumstance has so made the Naga society into fragmented societies on tribal line by glorifying each Naga tribes Council or Hohos. The ethic of respecting and recognizing the whole Naga apex body dies down with the increasing consciousness of pride over each own tribal Councils/Hohos and later with the air of state-wise pride and  distinction as Nagas of Nagaland, Manipur etc. It so happened that, the Naga National Council in its process of growth and development fell apart into factions; NSCN, (IM), (K) and diverse NNCs. The root cause of splitting of NNC into factions could be prideful personal ideological differences, tribal differences and leadership pride from different states or tribe-wise position. Considering the phenomenal happening of divisions or fragmentations of NNC and tribal councils in the whole of Naga society, it is a matter of great lesson for the Nagas to learn the wisdom of living with honor as Nagas. Lesson not learned is lesson repeated.  The lesson must be fully learned in order not to repeat it. The present scenario of division in the Naga Hoho by tribal Hohos of the state of Nagaland, is signaling a fatal break down of Naga Unity. The root causes as stated above may same be the reasons for the crises to be blamed for. But furthermore, logic is seen here that is cankering the minds of leaders who go about complaining and murmuring, back biting and criticizing the leaders in positions. The good-will missions objectives of the Naga Hohos are kept aside or lost sight of in the atmosphere of faultfinding the leaders. Lack of courage and will power to share good ideas for positive change to happen in the exercise of Naga Hoho administration could be another reason for seemingly breaking scenario of the Naga society or for the matter Naga Hoho. The climate of forming smaller joint tribal bodies like NTC, CNTC against the Naga Hoho were confined to the concept of reasons among the tribal leaders of the state.  The present mushrooming elements of creating a parallel or different Naga Apex body in the state is posing greater threats to the fiber of Naga unity and integrity. View and suggest that, better and collective ideas may be garnered and harnessed to make the Naga Hoho stronger and competent than to form an opposing another body. It will be a fatal and disgraceful decision to dissolute or nullify the Naga Hoho, a well recognized shape for decades than to come up with another competent or parallel Naga Hohos. Any attempt to do so may amount to irreparable damage that may be committed to the Nagas and the society for the next generation. the fall of the Nagas will not be by India or other nations but by the Nagas infighting. 

It is my humble opinion and suggestion made in an effort to making a stronger and more vibrant Naga society in the state of Nagaland for a shining example to the Nagas in the neighboring states and elsewhere. Let the morality, rational intellectuality and social responsibility of the Naga Leaders be lifted higher up to height of world leadership or world class thinking. The longer we remain or confine our sphere of thinking at the local level or comfortable within the four wall of self made confinement, the farther we will be left behind the fast pacing momentum of the global changing. All logical and positive mindset builds. Any illogical or selfish ideological interest spoils the society. Let us remind ourselves that we are makers or spoilers of the society by how we act or react towards the society. Let us derive our strength and glory from the fact that we are makers and builders of our society and nation we can proudly live up to.