Prohibition Act is Yet to Act

Prohibition Act has been standing out in the media for the past days with lots supportive and anti statements. Organizations and societies have come alive on the topic airing various views. Majority of the articles made available to the public requires a lot more complementary explanations and thoughtful back up. 

Prohibition Act is a preventive measure taken by the government in view of the alarming rise in the use of liquor in the state. The general notion says that the law prevents the sale or use of liquor and serious punishments would be meted out to those who did otherwise. Years have gone by. The reality proves that the law hasn’t had the expected result. Reasons? It’s known to any thinking person; Law is made and made known. Some are there to execute it and others to exempt it? The legislators upheld the law and sure enough attempts were made only to impose on others. We are not far to notice that the law makers emerge from anywhere. Our society has it that we see that the students make laws for teachers; teachers make laws for management, management make laws for the government. What a direction of growth! Law loses strength when confronted by questions on the ‘authority of the lawmakers both moral and organizational basis’. It dwindles further when the law lacks reliable authority to execute it. That equals to the biography of a coffin, “one who makes does not use it, one who uses it does not know it.” The law is well made, but goes with the what is to be buried. Time proved that the prohibition law was a mere pulpit act. Any law has its grace if it is respected not only in its formulation but in its execution. 

Many organizations, with the Christian background and their displayed-dependency on the Bible try to find a base in the Bible to prohibit and others try to stand against prohibition quoting the same. Bible, the Holy Scripture, becomes a mere reference book for proofs. A tragic end of the biblical studies!

The views and suggestions are numerous made in relation to alcoholism in the background of the prohibition act. The Christian communities have gone to extend of excommunicating the alcoholic members. Of course, a critical analysis tells us that the affluent and the rich are exempted even though they are alcoholics, provided they really contribute well to the treasury, a way to supplement their sinful life, may be, a humanitarian approach to recover the useful but sinful. A mystery of a churchy approach!

Searching Bible passages to suit the argument for or against alcoholism is uncalled for. Bible does not declare that the liquor or the use of liquor/alcohol in itself as sinful. A further understanding and debate can be done when efforts are done to understand Bible authentically. 

I stand upright to support the prohibition act, not because the Bible says so, but because it is a preventive measure. I go further to say that law should be passed and promulgated if the government agency is focused to execute it with all the efforts required. Or else it will continue to be a mockery of a legislative system that dreams only. 

It is sickening to see that the Christian organizations make so much fuss on alcoholics while the corrupted leaders, murderers, adulterous, immoral administrative, anti-social leaders find their way to the pulpit. Remember the alcoholics of the day are born of the gross mismanagement of our social system. We understand better when we know that alcoholism is a result and causes are many.

Treat the body not the temperature if you suffer from fever. Catholic church is pointed at and blamed for ‘not condemning the alcoholics.’ Catholic Church is firm in its stand not to condemn those affected by alcohol but help them by the message of Jesus. This will not be possible by declaring them out of the church but the mission of Christ makes it seek after the lost.  Church is a beautiful gift of God where human beings and God meet. Make this meeting possible in our churches. Let sin be condemned in all its forms. Pay attention to the great person beneath the sinful coverage. Believe me, it is practical that we can prevent the increase of alcoholics if our schools function well, offices are attended to, projects are executed, public money is accounted, families are kept up, and the like. 

Rev. Fr. Francis Yimso 

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