Should Nagaland Government withdraw the IRB from Chhattisgarh?

1. Yes  2. No  3. Maybe

Those who voted YES had to say: 

• Nagaland Government has no choice but to withdraw the IRB from Chhattisgarh. To continue would only mean more body bags of Naga soldiers and I don’t think the

• Government would want to take the moral responsibility for more deaths. It is also not wise for the Nagaland Government to send the IRB when it is not aware of the problems of the Naxalites.

•Yes, there is no point in causing more heartache and sorrow. War is a necessary evil, but it is still evil

•The flushing out of Naxalites is not the job of Nagaland armed police or IRB. It’s the duty of the Indian army.

•when we have so much things to do at home why do we have concern for the others, as the saying goes charity begins at home, first let us solve our own problem and think for others later, its better to withdraw early the better.

•At the time of crisis in Nagaland no state assisted us, why should we let our people die for other.  

Those who voted NO had to say:

•They should work faithfully wherever they are

•Our boys should come back in victory like true Nagas! NOT in disgrace!

•Nagas should face the world

•IRB should not be withdrawn from Chhattisgarh. Rather they should bring home the HEADS of those Naxalites.

•IRB battalions are duty bound to go where their services are required. Nagas should accept that IRB was raised in Nagaland with that condition. Let us not expect jobs and perks without responsibilities. Else don’t go for IRB jobs.

•IRB was set up to fight terror and the men are paid for it

Those who voted MAYBE had to say:

•In my opinion we cannot say no or yes, because we do not know for what purpose IRB is recruited. Is it meant for centre or state and the other thing is that we have to look into their stay out there. We should have to send some investigation out there and than speak out.

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