Solution possible only if Nagas reason together in unity

Co-ordination Committee GPRN & FGN meets JCC

Dimapur, July 23 (MExN): “It is much easier for two warring parties to cut down each other rather than listen to each other and reconcile. But on 15th July 2010, at Monyakhsu Village in Konyak Region, two feuding parties decided to embrace each other for the love of their land and people. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace inspired the Leadership of GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN to reason together and reach out to their comrades in other groups”. This was stated in a joint press note issued by the MIP, GPRN and Rali Wali, FGN. Stating that many political conflicts in the world have had their logical conclusions acknowledging the history of peoples and their rights, the joint statement pointed out that there was no reason why the Naga people cannot achieve the same. 

However, as convincing as it may sound, the press note stated that it was unreasonable on the part of any Naga to still believe that a political solution is on the anvil on the strength of 14 years of negotiations. “It is also time for Nagas to believe that a political solution is possible only if the Nagas reason together in unity”, it stated and added that the tragic past must be laid to rest and all outstanding issues must be settled amicably and peacefully if Nagas are to claim their place in this universe. 

It also stated that it was “impractical to believe in the theory that violent capitulation of one party is the only logical conclusion”. “One plain truth is that, no matter how complicated it may appear to the complicated minds, unity of the Nagas is possible if one loves Nagaland”, it further stated while pointing out that the world was not going to wait for the Nagas forever. “This is the pivotal reason why the GPRN/NSCN and the NNC/FGN agreed in principle to unite unconditionally”. 

The joint press note also informed that the Joint Co-ordination Committee (JCC) consisting of nine Naga tribes from Nagaland visited the Oking on 23rd July 2010, with a view to express their appreciation to N Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser GPRN, Brig. (Retd) S Singnya,  Kedahge of the NNC/FGN for the historic “Manyukshu Conclave” of 15th July 2010, and to support and encourage the Co-ordination Committee of the GPRN and FGN  headed by Zhopra Vero, Co-convener and Kughalu Mulatonu also Co-convener. All nine tribal leaders expressed their joy at the merger of two Political groups and urged for reconciliation and unity of all political groups under the Covenant of Reconciliation, the press note stated.