Special fortnight immunization drive for children in Nagaland 

Kohima, September 22 (MExN): The Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW), Nagaland will be holding a special fortnight immunization drive for those children in the age group of 1-2 years who have missed out on their routine immunization due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is the first round of the special drive that has been initiated from September 20 to 30 and is ongoing now at all nearest health facilities, Dr Ritu Thurr, State Immunization Officer, DoHFW informed in a press release on Wednesday. .

Parents have been requested to avail this opportunity to vaccinate their child against vaccine preventable  diseases like poliomyelitis, diphtheria, perttussis, tetanus, pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles, hepatitis-B, rota virus and rubella.

For those who have missed out, they have been asked to avail the vaccine free of cost at the nearest health centre or contact health care workers/ANM/AWW.

“Don’t miss the chance to make your child’s immune system as strong as it can be. The world is facing one health crisis, we can all work together to help prevent another. Protecting your family protects us all,” Dr Thurr appealed.