The Tangkhul Frontal Organisations in its meeting held on May 19th 2010 have unanimously resolved to declare the ADC Candidates 2010 (Ukhrul District) as Anti-Naga national. The Frontal Organisations further resolved to initiate action against the candidates as per the prevailing Tangkhul customary laws and practices. In the greater interest of the Naga, the Tangkhul Frontal Organisations have decided to impose the following as mention:
1. They will be disassociated from the Tangkhul Community, would not be allowed to hold community post and also from taking any public platforms.
2. They should be banished from their respective village(s) and not allowed to reside in Naga areas.
3. Their properties, including dwelling house will be dismantled.
4. Any Tangkhul, Naga or non-Tangkhul who works in collusion with them shall be at their own risk.
The Tangkhul Naga Frontal Organisations (Against ADC Election 2010) in its meeting with the Council of Tangkhul Headmen, Chairmen and Hanga (Village Council) held at TNL Hall-Ukhrul on 25th May 2010, reaffirmed the decision of the United Naga Council and the Naga people in rejecting the imposed Manipur (Hill Areas) Autonomous District Act, 3rd Amendment Act 2008 and enforcement of the ADC Election 2010.
The meeting unanimously concluded with a firm decision to oppose the imposed election by the Manipur state Government by calling for a72 hrs total Ukhrul District Bandh with effect from midnight of May 31, 2010. The meeting took a serious note on the indifferent and step-motherly treatment of the Manipur State Government for ignoring the aspiration and voice of the hill people by adopting a policy of imposition. The Tangkhul Frontal Organisations appeal to all concerned voters and citizens to adhere by the UNC decision and abstain from casting votes and participation in the imposed election. Any untoward incidents and eventualities arising due to non compliance of this mandatory proclamation would be the sole responsibility of the individual(s).
The meeting was represented by 250 Tangkhul Villages Headmen and Chairmen along with their Hanga (Village Council). The mammoth gathering that fills the TNL Conference Hall in unison reaffirmed the decision of the UNC and took a solemn oath to oppose the imposed ADC Election 2010.More than thousands of people from all walks of life attended the meeting and strongly voice their support to the UNC Declaration and Decision.
In continuation with the various order and guidelines of the UNC against the ADC Candidates 2010:
1. The Ramphoi Village Authority in its Public Emergency sitting held on 29th June 2010 at Ramphoi Community Hall unanimously decided to disassociate Mr. K. Mathew from the Ramphoi Village and deleted his name from the citizen list of the village. Further, he would not be allowed to entitle any facilities and status as a citizen of Ramphoi Village and would be banished from the village. Moreover, he would not be allowed to hold any community post and also from taking any public platform. The Village Authority also declared that Mr. K. Mathew, properties at Ramphoi Village have ceased to exist with the passing of this resolution. This action has been taken in accordance with the prevailing Tangkhul customary laws and practices in the greater interest of the Naga stated the note sign by K.Betterson (Headman) and S. David (Secretary) for and on behalf of the Ramphoi village.
2. In another development, the Ramrei Village House Emergency Sitting held on 05/07/2010 at the Vilage Community Hall unanimously approved the Ramrei Village Authority resolution of dated 03/07/2010 to disassociate Mr. Hoping Jajo, from the citizenship of Ramrei Village added the note signed by Z. Shimdhar (Headman) and LK. Graceson (Secretary) of the Ramphoi Village Authority.
3. The Nungbi Khullen Village Authority have also openly declared to the public, that Mr. Peter Kumrah, s/o Lt. K. Kuiwor of Nungbi Khullen has been deleted from the community membership list and is no more a citizen of Nungbi Khullen with immediate effect from 05/07/2010. This declaration was signed by AS. Shaingam (Headman) and S. Matuiching (Secretary) for public announcement.
4. An abstract copy of the Nongman Village Authority signed by R. Ismael Sareo (Headman) and Sorei Ramung (Secretary) informed that Mr. Azar Malue s/o Horeitung Malue, has been deleted fom the citizenship of Nongman Village as per the resolution of meeting of Village Council held on 25/06/2010.
5. The Talui Village Authority sitting held on 19/06/2010 unanimously agreed to delete the citizenship of Miss. V. Horyaola d/o V. Chinaongai of Talui Village, as per V.A. Resolution No.1 dated 19/06/2010. The action taken was declared on 22/06/2010 at the Talui Public Assembly Business. Henceforth, she would not be allowed to hold any community post and also from taking any public platform. She would be banished from the village. Also, she would not be allowed to enjoy any facilities and status as a citizen of the Talui Village, stated the copy signed by V.Solomon (Acting Headman).
6. An abstract copy of the Tangkhul Hundung Kabongram Village Authority stated that in its Emergency Panchayat dated 10/06/2010, the meeting unanimously adopted a resolution to delete the citizenship of Mr. K. Joseph ADC Candidate 2010, from the community list of Tangkhul Hundung. The copy signed by AS. K.B.Son (Headman) stated that this proclamation would be annulled only when the Tangkhul Naga community decides so.
7. The Lunghar Village Court on 04/07/2010 passed an order to delete the name of Miss. Chansala L.W, d/o L.W. Shangmahing from the citizenship of Lunghar Village. This order was passed as per the Lunghar Public Emergency Meeting held on 25/06/2010, stated the copy signed by L.W. Shimreingam (Headman) and HS. Marashing (V.A. Secretary). The Lunghar Public Emergency Meeting held on 25/06/2010 unanimously authorised and endorsed the Village Authority and family members to meet and pursue her withdrawal from the ADC candidature, and in case of her failure to withdraw or otherwise failing to meet the members of Village Authority and family members, the meeting also decided to implement the action for defying the call of the Naga greater interest. Hence this action stated Sharei Thumra (Headman In-Charge) and K. Luckyson (Secretary, Lunghar Public Assembly).
8. The Phalee Village Authority on dated 02/06/2010 has dismantled the dwelling house of A. Josiah for defying the call of the Naga and participating in the ADC Election 2010. As per the Phalee customary law and practice, he would be banished from the village, delete his citizenship and proclaim as anti-Naga nationals.
Media & Publicity Cell
Tangkhul Coordination
Ukhrul: July 9th 2010