A New Consciousness

The Nagas of the present by large seem to be groping in the dark. Though they are quite definite and sure of their aspiration; they seem quite unsure how to actually transform their aspiration into reality. The gap between aspiration and reality has created a vicious cycle of confusion, which threatens the very well-being of the people. There is an urgency of now for real Naga leaders, who can inspire and enable the people to break out from this destructive cycle of confusion. The necessity of leaders who have the patience to listen to the people and together find new ways towards a shared future is being felt, stronger than ever before in this present moment of history.

The imperative need for a new consciousness is absolute. This new consciousness is a call for self-realization and re-examination of the Naga way of life, Naga culture and worldviews, of Naga faith and the future of the Nagas. It is to bring to public expression the hopes and yearnings that have been denied for so long. This new consciousness must expose the hypocrisy of injustices and enable a new political imagination that empowers the idea of a shared humanity. In essence, this new consciousness must empower the self-determining capacities of the people to assume greater responsibilities that emerge out of this consciousness. 

The new consciousness must effectively examine the present brainkruptcy and work towards reviving genuine liberatory politics through an effective and democratic process of critical reflection and self-analysis. The new consciousness must give rise to a political imagination that will maximize effective and meaningful participation of people on issues that concerns their lives; and usher in a new era of accountability whereby the people themselves take responsibility for their political destiny. Hence, it must enable the people to be less dependent; and to ensure that past mistakes are not repeated again.

This new consciousness must relate the Naga history to the present and reject the attempts by the powers that be to perpetuate a deliberately arrested image of Naga culture. In doing so it enables Nagas the opportunity to rise and attain the envisioned existence of the collective self. By defining Naga culture in concrete terms the people must dispel the myths and the tendency to think of Naga culture as static. In doing so the new consciousness enables Nagas to present and demonstrate a historical and political evolution of the modern Naga. 

Finally, the new consciousness must lead to understanding; an understanding which is the understanding of differences through dialogue, which demands relational practice and not just simply an act. In developing a new consciousness, Nagas maintain a solidarity that enables the people to resist all attempts at the fragmentation of their resistance and to create a culture of self-assertion that originates from a common heritage of shared values, common experience and a common envisioned shared future.